2 2 The Jinf ulneffe of Sinne. anfwer firft in generali, that there may bee arugneof finne where it id Not perceived, and that Infenfi6ility is a maine argument of it. For this is a certaine rule,the more tenderly and ferioufly any man is alfedled with lènfe and forrow for the power of fin, the mere bee is delivered from it. The young man in the Gofpell was fully per - fwaded that hee had kept the whole Law, and little thought that his own poffeflions were his King, and that he was a vaffall to his owne wealth, till Chrilt covinced him of a mighty raigne of covetoufneffe in his heart. A Chip may in the midit of a calme by reafon of a great mill, and the negligence of the Marriners to found and difco- ver their distances from land, fplit it felfe againll a Rock, as well as be call upon it by force irrefiflible llorme : and fo that .man who never fathams.his heart, nor fearcheth how neerehe may be to ruine,but goes leifurely and uni- formly on in bis wonted formali and pharifaicall fecuri- ties, may, when he thinkes nothing of it, as likely perdit under the power of fin, as he in whom the rage thereof is molt apparant. As there is a great ílrength in a River when it runs fmootheft and without noyfe, which im- mediately difcovers it felfe when any bridge or obftacle is fet upagainfl it : fo when liinnepafléth with molt ltd. neffe, and undifturbance &hrough the heart,: then is the Raigne of it as ftrong as ever, and upon any i°piritualland fearching oppofition will declare it lelfe. The Pharifees were rigid, demure, Saint-like men,while their hypocri- lie was let alone to runne calmely and without noyfe : but when Chrift by his fpirituall expofitions of the Law, his Heavenly converfation, his penetrating and convin- cing Sermons, had f }opt the current, and dif:luieted them in their courfe, we find e.their malice !well into the very finite agaìnf} the Holy Gholl. It is the light of the Sunne which maketh day when it felfe lies fhut under a cloud and is not feene ; loin every naturali man there is a po- wer and prevalency of hune, which yet may lie undifco- vered