Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

a Trsla:; et - TCrTdU.uzu w iraes¡qac7ç cv oxriQr..cs Lila; u,c ,ui r cu A- -Troy) fibi7Par v77To\?.f1,tlí jt- ì Y0'.+ 'p7'' Cll. .f1Ytl PoGt. lib.5.c.b. ui írfcllóca /pern t, pauta- rrrre decidit. Aug Coz/.4.l.9 c.°. a !1 plrLl PCrfaS -pr,fnaregis fib rpecie majeflatis :000t1:iíHi'. lile lib. !. , A ri S = v ;76 cos+\úye' i- ,03vrocN.T,ecó- ts r,l Ex?aT.,1- v as 77-44,77cío r i63f- ..lrafi.dc !iut'ild l. 7 he fin f uln e f e of Sinne. tion,. and cultomarineffe, than others, will more walk the confcience than farre greater out of infirmity or fud. den fìarprizaIl. As wee fee drops frequently falling will Bate into a ftone, and make it hollower than forne few faire heavier strokes cold have done, or as water pow - red into a Steve with many linall holes, or into a bottom - leife vtlrll, is equally catt away A Ship may as well perith upon lands as rockes. llayly fmall expe1lees npoh lefli r vanities, may in time ea :e out a good.efiate, it there be never any accocnpts taken, nor proportion ob- íerv'J, nor provilìon made to bring in as well as toex- pend : fo a man, otherwife very Ipecious, may by a courte of more crvill and moderate lìnnes rumie into ruine. The fecond Qeliion is, WIether privie and ferret fins which never break, forth into light may raigne. To which I 'anfwer, That of all other fins, thole which are ferret have the chiefeíi rule, touch as privie pride, hypocrite, felfe- juititication, rebellion, malitious projeáts againf} the Word and WorULip of God, &c. The Prophet com- pares wicked mens hearts to an Oven, He f: 7.6, an Oven is hotteft when it is 1iopp'd that no blast may break forth : fo the heart is oftentimes molt flnfull,when molt referv'd. a It was a great part of the !late and pride of the `Perjian !rings, that they were feldome feene by their fubjeCts in publike; and the kingdomeof China at this day is very valt and petcnt, though it communi- cate but little with o; her people: fo diofe lodging thossghts as the Prophet cals them, which lie lhiticd wrthin,may he moll powerful!, when thi -y are leali difeover'd, grit, Becaufe they are ever i, i the throne (for the heart is the. throne of iinne) and every thing hash moil of it felfe,and is least mixed and alrer'd where it tint riff th Secondly, b caufe they are in die heart as a hone in the Center, freelt from of pofition and ditturbance, which breaking fo, th into ac}, they might be likely to meete withal/. And chi