Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The /infulneffe of Sinne. 29 this may be one of the depths and prof eas of Sathan a- gaint} the foule of a man, to let him live in force faire and plausible conformity for the outward converfation, that fo his rule in the heart may bee the more quiet both from clamours of confcience> whether fins of ignorance ma), The third ueftion is, be raigning Inner ? To which I anfwer, That it is not mans knowledge of a King which makes him a king, but his own power. Saul was a King when the witch knew z Sam. 2.8. not of it. For as thofe multitudes of imperceptible liars Ara meteor. in the milkie way doe yet all contribute to that generali lib, r. cap.8 . confufed light oWnc there adde much to he great power of unkno kingdome which fin hath in the hearts of men. A letter written in anunknowne language, or in darke and i nvi- table CharaE ers,is yet as truely a Letter as that which is molt intelligible and diftinct ; fò though men make a shift to Ell their Confciences with darke and unlegi- ble fumes, yet there they are as truely as if they were written in capitall Charmers. Saint `Pasts perfecution was a fin of Ignorance, that was the only thing which left roome for the mercy of God, fo he faith of himfelfe, I obtained mercy becaufe I did it ignorantly, through yen -' r Tim.' .13. beliefe. Which words we are not to underftand cant /ally, or by way of externals motive to Gods mercy, as if Saint Pauly ignorance and unbeliefe had been any poltive and obje6tive reafon why God (hewed him mercy, but onely thus, I was fo grievous a pert: tutor of the Church of Tü 9 Chrift, that had i:= not heene for my ignorance onely I xlaot had Beene a fubjeet uncapable of mercy. If I had knowne Jo° x Chrills fpirit, and beene fo convinc'd as the Scribes 31,x,, and Pharifees, to whom he ufed to preach, were, and r,¿,orx s thould notwithilanding that conviction have fat my felfe i cáó s with that cruelty and rage a aintt him as I did, there 0-0666 would have Beene no roome for mercy left, my fin 77ová za \ would have beene not onely againi} the members, but É ro.ctrif. V 4 againft