The fin fidneffi of Same. ;© f defignes for which they aílum'd it, yet let them once goe pail that, and their falling downe will make it appeare, that what ever motions they had (crewed iip.themtelves unto,,yet (till in their hearts they didbend.another way, and did indeed refit the power of that grace,whoie.coun- tenance they affe &ted. Even as Scipio and e;..Qnnibal at Scyphax his table did complemen,,and dit'courfe, and en- iercaine one another with much semblance of afre6tion, whereas other occasions in the field occurring made it ap- peare that. even at that time their bearts.were.full of re- Í venge and hoftility., a' L,aí}ly, thatpbcb rifeth from Renewing Grace 9-'0',7sd}' efa with a delight, an' much ct,m lac r c dccau[e it is rtá- -eUO! ÀVnr;yv. fi ) i Arils Xhrtli.r turall to a right (pirit ; it defires nothing more than t, vt per(&tx 11- have the Law of the Bel quite confurn'd, whereas the o- dei eá& . :bfé1ue.',r, ther bath Paine and difquietneffe at the bridle which eft obedietttan holds it in ;. and thereforetakes all advantab ges"it can to qí d l 9tiie;e 1 aU& s git id s a breake look againe. For while naturall men are tampe afj-ecîatc haztt.z is .ring about Spirituali things, they are.out.of their File- imptre, pie - menr, it is as offencive to them as aire is to a fi l, or wa- ceffatatem agz>ídi 'ter to a man. Men may peradventure to cooleand clenfe amaitis volasrz- tate Pasco rere themfelves, step a while into the water, but no man can Lta mahn:r make it his habitation; . a f l may. triske into the aire to ioceti c¡ refrefh himfelfe, but hee; returnesto his owne Element : inigni.'arei ,wn wicked men may for varietie fate , or to pacific the rnodo non agere, gruìnblings of an unquiet Confcience.looke fometimes fed òdi/fe, qu a into Gods Law but they can never suffer the word to . i -tt nay Y [ legcdurra nnsj dwell in them, they are doing a worke againil nature, ab bei off; 'us er and therefore no m arvel1 it they finde no pl'ealure in it : te: ro; a, er; it: nay they b doe in their hearts. wish that there were no Hi'ar. in 1'íaí 1 T 9. mom. b dais coram Deo innocens invenitur qui volt feri quad vetatta, fi f ìb`r Chas quid tran; tur? quantum in ipf ell mallet non efe Iasßitiam peccata probiberuem atque praraiex>tem Qui gehennas metuit, non peccare metit, fie! ardare , ilk autem peccare metu ;t, rui pecral j ruin ipfum fic ut gebennas edit. Aug, Ep iíi, a 44: Mallet fa fieri pofßa non ell:: quid li "a?e t ut liberè faciat, quad óccultè defiderat. Id de nat. & grit. car. 5 7. non,* in corde guad fieri videtu-o in ipere, quando mallet homo non fir pófet- impuné. Id. cons, z. apt, Pelag. I :.z. c. 9. & lib. i. c. 9. & lib. 3. cap. 4. firth