3O2 ,4;,)x>`i?eor Tav vó,ccov.Clem Alex. d T;;nta efi vis vuluptatum ut ignoraatiatn protlalitin occa- fionem, &c.1'ert De jpeEtac. ca. t . Malunt rtefcife quia jam ode- rünt. flpol.ca.t. 'olunt intellr_ gcre fenfttm Dr_ mini, &e.De fu ga in perf cut. cap. 6. Ba)n77; ä)4101a lttllin Mairyi. 1 dr Re(p (1u 140. ca»lota ci cartyacpsaSws "4rr/l. Ethic. rryb'óíAvá r n,uâ"s) pa OA. Clem. .,,Vex. fírom. li. 4. e Hof. 7.t6. f Hof. 3. ,;. The finf ulnelle of Sinne. fach law at all to rethraine their corrupt defires,that there were no fuch records extant to be produced againii them at the laft and as Toone as any occafons call them unto fenfuall and Imfull delights, they c flegle away the law from their own Confciences, they fuppreffe and imprifon the truth in unrighteoufnefiè, they flout their eyes by a d voluntary and affected ignorance, that they may more fecurely,and without check or perturbation refigne them - felves to their owne wayes. Secondly, a deep; defperate, hypocriticall affeElati- on of the Credit of Chriftranity, and of the repute and name of Holineffe, like that of !elm, Come fee my zeale for the Lord of Hoa4s. And this is fo farce from pul- ling downe the raigne of finne, that it mightily i }reng- thens it, and is a fore provocation of Gods jealouiie and revenge. The Prophet compares hypocrites to a e de- ceitfull Bow, which though it feeme to direa the arrow in an even line upon the marke, yet the unfaithfulneffe thereof carries it at lait into a crooked and contrary way. And a little after, wee finde the fimilitude verified: f Ifrael'hall cry unto mee, my God tee know thee. Here feemes a direa ayme at God, a true profeilîon of faith and interefl in the covenant ; but obferve prefently the deceitfulneffe of the Bow, Ifrael hath ca.ft off the thing that is good, though bee bee well contented to Beare my name, yet bee cannot endure to beare my yoke ; though bee bee well pleafed with the priviledges of my people, yet hee cannot away with the tribute and obedience of my people, and therefore God reje6s both him and his halfe fervicesy The enemy fhall purfue him. They have fewed the winde, and they ' hall reape the whirle winde, faith the Lord in the fame Prophet. My people are like a husbandman going over plowed lands, and calling a. broad his hands as if he were lowing feede, but the truth is there is nothing in his hand at all but winde, nothing but vaine femblances and pretences, the profetlïon of a feed t-