Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

I but bee (Tull reape fury (for the fury of the Lord is com- Ipared to a whiilewindei) god will not be honored with a lie ; Jhall a man lie for God? This argument the Apoflle uleth to prove the Relùrrcblion, becaufe, elfe, faith bee, wee are found faiff tvit ne Pier of cod, and God doth not flan, in need of false witnefles to j uilifìe his power or glory. why takef1- thou my Word into thy moutb,feeing thou batefit to be reformed ? W e reade, that in one of the States of Greece, if a fcandalous man had lighted upon any wholefome counfell for the honour and advantage of the Country, yet the Common- weale rejefted it as from him,and would not be beholden to an infamous and bran- ded perfon : And furely Almighty God can as little en- dure to be honoured by wicked men, or to have his Name and Truth by them ufurped in a falle profeflion. When the Devil!, who ufeth to bee the father of lies, would needs confeffe the Truth of Chrift, I know who thou art even Iefuu the Sonne of the Living God we find our Sa- viour as well rebuking him for his confeflìon, as at other times for his Temptations. Becaufe when the Devils fpeakes a lie, he fpeakes D e fuo, hee Both that which be- comes him ; but when bee fpeakes the Truth and Glori- fies God, hee loth that which is improper for his place and dation (for who Ad praife thee in the pit ?) He ípeakes then De alieno,of that which is none of his own,, and then bee is not a lyer onely by profeflìng that which bee hates, but a theefe too. And Purely when men take upon them the Name of Chrift, and a thew of Re- ligion, if heJinfulneffeof Sinne. 3o) fe:dfrnan, 'but the hand of a fluggard ; and now marke what au Harvefl this man lhail have : That which a man foweth, that alto shall he reape, be fowed he winde, and he shall inherit the winde as Salomon ípeakes. Yet you may obferve that there is lime difference ; As in Harvefl ordinarily there is an increafe, bee that ¡owes a Pecke, may haply reape a Quarter ; to !he hypocrite here fowes winde, but bee reapes a whirlewinde ; he fowed vanity, r Cor.i. A. Getlicta.no6t. lttic.liG. t 8.c.; Pfalen.St.r c.