304 5 A 9",.; 1.14 0'1tAt1e; 7Ee ?.xj dlxh4x- YÇ 5 Yÿt jlct 7zL1, TÒ QtU/1` Tóy,eccc. Iofeph. de Be/lo ludaicè lib. z. cap .f. Ch, nomen indue,e, &non per Chrifti viajn perge; e,quid adi- ud quatn pravaiicatio di- vi si nominis ? Gyp. de via & l ivore. The jmnjulne/Je of Sinne. 'tigion, and yet deny the power thereof, they are not only tiers in profeffing a falle love, but theeves too, in ufur- ping an intereft in C`rrift which indeed they have not; and are like to have no happier fucceffe with God (who cannot be mocked) than falle pretenders have with men; who under aflurned titles of Princes deceafed, have laid claime to kingdomes. God will deale with fuch men as wee reade that Tiberius dealt with a bafe pretender to a Crowne, when after long examination bee could not catch the impollor tripping in his Tale, at lad he conful- ted with the habit and fhape of his body, and finding there not the delicacy and foftneffe of a Prince, but the brawnineffe and fervile fa pion of a Mechanick, he !tart - led the man with fo unéxpeded atryall, and fo wrung from ,pima Confeflion of the Truth. And furely just fo will '.God deale with fuck men as ufurpe a claime unto his Dingdome, and prevaricate with his Name ; bee will not take them on their own words, or emptie profeffions, but examine their hands ; If he find them hardned in the fer- vice of tini he will then flop their mouth with their own Band, and make themfelves the argument of their owns conviotic n, Thirdly,the Power of pious and vertuous education ; for many men bave their manners as the Colliar had hs faith, Meekly by tradition, and upon credit from their forefathers. So: Saint Tao/ before his Convertìofi liv'd as touching the Law unblameably in his ovvne eiteeme, becaufe he had beene4Pharifeeot the Pharifees. Many times we may obferve amongft men, that contrariety of a f'eciid u proceed from carsfes. bomogenea1i art,ehinifornoe, arid that the fame temper and difpolition of miude will f èdc to prodùee effefts in appearance contrary. When -two men contend with much violence to maintain: two different opinions, it may eatìlybedifcerned,by a judici- ous dander by, that it is the fame love of .vie }ory; the fame contentious cbnttitutionlof Spirit:which did fofter thofe ,