Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

30,6 The. Sinfulnee of Sinne. ?.re in iis,in gut- '1 bus obteln^c- 1?ant, r,'L;: r pun Es r.Sa1v.1.3. Rom zCor9.1. Cheo, to be condemned by its owne witneffe, nor to adven- turcon courfes which doe dire fly thwart the praé icall principles to which they fubfcribe. For (as I obferved beforc)many men who will not doe good O6edientialI with faith in the power, with fubmiffion to the Will, with ayme at the glory of him that commands it, will yct doe it Rationally, out of the convidion and evidence of their owne principles. And this the Apoille cals a doing by kature the things contained in the Law, and a being a Lain to a mangy felfe. Now though this may carry a man farm, yet it cannot pull downe the kingdome of finne in him,for there reaföns : Firfi, it doth not fubdue All finne, All filthineffe of the Jefh and fpirit,. nd fo perfect holineffe in the feare of God. Drive a Swine out of one dirty way,ànd he will prcfently into another, becaufe it was not his difpofition but his feare which turned him afide. Where there are many of a royall race, though hundreds be deffroyed, yet if any one that can prove his dcfcent, doe romaine alive,the title and foveraignty runs into him (as we fee in the il.aughter`which eflthaliah made) ; fo is Clime, ifany one be left to exercife power over the Confcience without controle, the kingdome over a mans foule belongs unto that finne. Secondly, though it were poíï ble (which yet cannot be fuppofed) for a Natural( confcicnee to rcfraine and kill all the chil- dren offinne, yet it cannot rip up nor make barren the avo n6e 6.f fin de ; that is, Lrifl and Concupifcence, inwhich the refine of finne is' fognded : Nature cannot difcóver, much leífe can it- hew- aileor fubdue it. As Iong as there is a Divell to call in the feeds of temptations, and lulls to cherifh, forme, quicken, ripen them, impoffible it is but finne muff have an off - fpring to reigne over the foule of man. Thirdly, all the Proficiencies of Nature cannot make a mans endevours good before God; though they may serve to excufe a man to himfelfe, yet not tinto,Gedo If one Beare holy flefh in the skirt of his garment, and with his