The Sánf dne,l fe of Sinne. 3 °7 his skirt loth touch fefh, fhall it be uncleane, faith the Lord in the Prophet? and the Priefl anfivered, No. But if one who is uncleane by a dead body touch any of thefe, fhall it be uncleane and the Priefl angered, It fhall be uncleane . so is this people,andfo is this nation before me, faith the Lord,and fo#ere all the workcs of their hands before me, they are uncleane. They thinke becaufe they are the feed ofAbraham,and dwell in the land ofPromifc, and have my vvorfhip,and oracles,and facrifices,not in their harts, but only in their lips anci hands,'which are but the skirts of the iöule, that therefore doubtleife they are cleane; but whatever they arc before themfelves, in their owne eyes and etlimation,yet before me,neither the privilege of their perfons, Abrahams feed, nor the privilege of their nation, the land of Promife, nor the privilege of their meere outward obedience, the workes of their hands, nor the privilege of their ceremonies and wor- fhip,that which they offer before tne;can dce them any good,but they, and all thcydoe, is uncleane:in my fight. Offerings and facrifices in themfelves were holy things, but yet unto them faith the Lord, to a revolting and dif- obedient people they (hall be as the breade of mourners, that is uncleane; and the Prophets elièwhcre intimate the reafon Ihate, I defpife your feafl dayes, I will not fmell in yourfolemne affemblies, though ye offer me your meate- oferings, 1 will not accept them;nerther will I regard the peace°oferings of your fat beafls.rour burnt-offerings are not acceptable, noryour facrifices f veet unto me. Though the things done be by iní}ìtution Gods,yet the cvill per- formance of them makes them Ours ; that is,fnfull and uncleane. Mercy it felfe without Faith,which ought to be the root of all obedience, is a f-,nfull mercy; mercy in the thing, but finne to the man. Sixthly,thefivay and bias offclf -love, and particular ends. When a mans difpofition lookes one way, and his ends carry him another, that motion is ever alïnfullrno- X 2 Hag, z.». I Iq. Ilofea 9.4. Amos, Icr. 6.zn; Vei2ra d:cit qua (ecu;rdusn 'ibidiner,v ftrar?r, 00 f cundwn : telrgiorens Dei ce'eCraz-sho, f a ja7f1, r,otUe1 fc- eeraítt. Tat. cont. Marc. 1..1. ' cap. zz.