308 Iitum efß in- fidelita e Mi('e.- Aug. Heb,9.t 4. Iam.z.t7. zKíng.!9.6,7' z Cor. 9.t7. Phi?.I.Is. I Sam.r9.z. z(,37.4z. AEtlos7. ro 13. P1'478:34.37. The Sanfulnef, f 'e of Sinne. tion,becaufe though it be futable in outward conformity to the Rule, yak is a Dead motion, like that of puppet s or.inanimate bodies, which have no principle ofmotión in themfelves , but are carried about by the fpring or weight which hangs unto them!for a mans ends are but his weights) and fo the Obedience which comes from them, is but a Dead obedience, which the Apofile makes the attribute offinfulI workes; and Saint lames,ofa dia- bolicallfaith. The ad of f ehu, in rooting out the houle of e,/ hob and the Priefis of Baal, was a right zealous a6}ion in it felfe, and by God commanded , but it was a meere murther as it was by Iehu executed , becaufe he intended not the extirpation of idolatry, but onely the erecuing and eilablifhing of his owne throne. To preach the Word is in it felfe a moli excellent work , yet to fome there is a Renard for it, to others only a Dijpenfation,as the Apofile difiinguifheth; & he gives us as there, foelfe where, the reafons of it, drawne from the feverall ends of men, Tome preach Chrifl out of envy; and others.outof good grill. To give good counfell for the prevention of approaching danger is a worke ofa noble and charitable difpofition, as we fee in Jonathan towards David; but in Amaziah,the Priefi of Bethel,who difîwadedAnsasfrom preaching at the i'ourt,becaufe ofthe Kings difpleafure, and the evili confequences which might thereupon en- fue (ofall which himfelfe was the principali, ifnot foie author) this was but 4 poore courtefie, for it was not out of love to the Prophet , but onely to be ridde of his Preaching. To feeke God, to returne, to enquire early after him, to remember him as a Rocke and Redeemer, are in themfelves choyce and excellent fervices; but not to doe all this out of a fireight and fledfaft heart , but out of feare onely of Gods fword, not to dock becaufe God commands them, but becaufe he flayes. them; this end makes all but lying and flattery, like the promifes of a. boy under the rod. To feare God is the, concluiion of the,