Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The Sinfilnelle of Sinne. the matter, and the whole duty of man ; but not to feare the Lord and his goodneffe, but to feare the Lord and his Lions (as the Samaritans did)this is indeed not to feare the Lord at all. Laftly,the very Antipathy of finnes mutt neceffarily keepe a man from many . For there are force finnes fo diffident and various , that they cannot confia together in the practice of them . Though the fame Root of originali corruption will ferve for both, yet the exerci- tes of them are incompatible : As the fame root will convey fap to feverall boughs, which flan beare fruits fo different,as could not grow out of the fame branch . The Apoftle gives a diftinotion of fpirituall and flcíhly fil - thineffe, between many of which there is as great an oppofition as between flefh and fpirit. Ambition, pride, hypocrifie, formality, are fpirituall finnes; drunken - neffe, uncleanneffe, publiée , fordid, notorious intempe- rance, are flefh ly finnes; and thefe two forts cannot or- dinarily (land together, for the later will fpeedily blaft the proje. s, difappoint the expe6tations, wafh off the dawbe and varnifh which a man with much cunning and paines had put on. `Pilat and Herod did hateone an- other, and this one would have thought fhould have actif ntaged Chrift againft the particular malice ofeither of them again(} him (as in a cafe fomething paralleli it did,Saint 'Paul when the Pharifes and Sadduces were di- vided)but their malice againft Chrift being not fo well able to wreake it felfeon him during their owne di flan- ces, was a meanest to procure a reconciliation more mil- chievous than their malice . Ephraim again( zi Manaffeh, and. ,ffeh againfzi Ephraim, but both againftt Ioda; one Pinne was put out to make the more roome for another. Many men have force malter finne, which checks and abates the refl. 'The ancient Romans were rePrain'd from intemperance, injuftice, violence, by an extreme, affeátation ofglory, and an univerfall Soveraignty . As X 3 many 3°9.., Ecc1eC r2.r3. Hof. 3.5. Pfal.r3o.4. z Kin.r7.33,34 see/era diffi- dent. Sena, z Cum faciunt hac homm es fi- ne fide, non peccata coer- centur, fed aliis peccatis alla peccata vits- cuntur. Rug. de Naps. & cat. lib. r. cap 3. Mts. Aas 4.z7. Luke zs,rz. Efay 9. zr. a Cæteras tupi- tates hujus rsnius ingenti cupiditate pref jerunt.flug. de Civit.l. 5. ttr:. vid, pia.