310 b %tWYPt 6ao- rióas onerando deprimimus da fanguinis flax- ton diufd ¡a- t-riper venulá revocamxs.Ter. & Aug. de nat. & grat. cap.z8 Mat. i.7.6. Iohn 7.3. ,e9uirtte! Rom.z.tf. Ier.8.6. Gal.S.rT. `I he Sinf ulneffe o f Sinne. b many times men cure heats with heats, and one flux of blood with another ; fo fome fins though not cur'd,are yet foreborne upon the predominancy of others . The Pharifes hated Chrii1, and feared the people, and many times this feare refirained the m-anifeftation and execu- tion of the other. The third and lag exception is this :Unregenerate men ofa more calme and civili temper, may conceive them- Oyes delivered from the reigne of finne, becaufe they have many confliels with it, and relu.`lances againft it, and fo afford not filch a plenary and refolved obedience 1 to it as fo abfolute a power requireth. To this i anfwer, That this is no more fuflicient to conclude an overthrow of the reigne of finne, than the fitdden mutiny of Cefars fouldiers, which he eafily quelled with one brave word, could conclude the nullifying of his government. For when we mention uncontroledneffe as an argument of finnes reign, we meane not that a bare naturali convi - i&lion (which the Apoffle cals an Accufation)which im-. ports a former yeelding to the luf},and no more;but that a fpirituall expoffulation with a mans owne heart, joy - ned with true repentance, and a found gc ferions 1uífing againfl the delires and commands of the flefh, are the things which fubdue the reigne of finne. The whole f }ate then of this point touching the royaltyof fin, will be fully opened, when we íhall have diflinéfly unfolded. the dif- ferences between there two confitH; with fin ;, the conflia of a naturali accufing confcience; and the conflict of a irituall mourning, and repenting confcience. ij Fir1}, they differ in the principles whence they pro- ceed. The one proceeds from a fpirit of feare and bon dage, the other from a fpirit of love and delight: An un regenerate man confiders the Bate of fin as akingdorne, and fo he loves the fervices of it; and yet he confiders it as Regnum fubgraviore regno, as a kingdome fubjcSt to the fcrutinies and enquiries of a higher kingdome., and fo