The SinfulneJ of Sinne. j pr íb he feares it, becaufe the Guilt thereof, and day of a c- counts affrights him, fo that this N,aturall confli51 rifeth out ofthe Compulfion of his Iudgement, not out of the propenfi-on of his will ; not from a delire to be Holy,but onely to be fafe and quiet ; he abhorreth the thoughts of God and his Iuílice; whereas the faithful! hate finne with relation to the purity and righteoufbelfe of God, delre to walke in all well-plcafing towards him,hunger after his grace, areaffcu`Ied with indignation, felfe -dif- plicency, and revenge again(} thenifelves for fin, mourne under their corruptions, bewaile the frowardneffe of their flippery and revolting hearts, let a watch and fpi- ritual! judicature over them, cry out for í}rength to re- fill their lufts,and pray fe God for any grace, power, dif- cipline, feverity which he fYhewes againf} them. In one word, a naturall confcierece doth onely Phew the danger of finne , and fo makes a man feare it; but a Spirituall confciencé fhewes the `I'ollntion of finne, the extreme contrariety which it bearcs to the love of our heart, the rule of our life, the Law of God, and fo makes a man hate st,as a thing contrary not onely to his happineffe,but to his nature, of which he hath newly beene made par- taker. A Dogge will be brought by difcipline to forbeare thofc things which his nature moll delights in, not be- I caufe his ravine is changed into a better temper, but the following paines makes him ab(laine from the prefent bait : fo the, ;confli& of the faithful! is with the unholi- neffe oflinne, but the conflia of other men is only with the Guilt and other fenfuall incommodities of finne.And though that may make a man forbeare and return, yet not unto theLord.: they have net cried unto me, faith the Lord, with their heart, when they howled upon their beds. Their prayers were not cryes, but howlings, brutish and mcerefenfuall complaints, becaufe theyproceeded not from t heir hearts, from any inward and fincere affc6ui- otn, but only from feare of that hand which was able to X 4 call r Pet.z.4. Hof.7. 14.