312, .1.1100 ZSam.r3.tz, The Sinfulnefe of Sinne. call them upon their beds . As a lick man eats meat , not for love of it, which he takes with much relu &ancy and dif- rellifh , but for feare of death which makes him force. himfelfe (as Saulfaid to Samuel )againf} his will, where- as a healthy man eats the fame meat with hunger and delight : fo a natorall confcience confl:raines a man to doefome things which his heart never goes along with, only to avoyd the paine which the contrary guilt infers. In a Tempel} the marriners will caí} out all their wares, not out of any hatred to the things (for they throw over their very hearts into the Sea with them) but becaufe the fafty of their lives , and prefervation of their goods will not fland together; non tub intuitu mali , fed mino- ris boni, not under the apprehenfion of any evil in the things, but onely as a leffer good which will not confit} with the greater; and therefore they never throw them over but in a Tempel} : whereas at all other times they labour at the pump to exonerate the fhip of the water which fettles at the bottome, not onely for the danger, but flinch and noyfomneffe of it too . Thus a Natural/ confcience throwes away finne as wares, and therefore never forbeares it but in a Tempel} of wrath and fente of the curie, and quickly returnes to it againe; but a fpiri- tuall confcience throwes out frnne as corrupt and Oin- king water, and therefore is uniformly dif- atfedcd to it, and alwaies laboureth to be delivered from it. A fcullion or colliar will not dare handle a coale when it is full of fire, which yet at other times is their common ufe ; whereas a man of a more cleanly education , as he will not then, becaufe of the fire, fo not at any time, becaufe of the foul:aeffe : fo here a Natural/ confcience for.- Learesfinne fornetimes, when the guilt and curie of it Both more appeare, which yet at other times it makes nofcru- ple of; but a Spirituall con /erence abi }aines alwayes, be- caufe ofthe bafeneíle and pollution of it. The one feares finne, becaufe it bath fire in it to hurtle; the other. hates