The Sinfulneip of f Sinne. fnne, becaufe it hath filth in it to pollute the Soule . Secondly, thefe cenflie -Is differ in their feats and fa- tiens The natitrall conflict is in f a'erallfaculties as be= tween the underflanding and the will, or the will and the !. affections, and fo Both not argue any univerfall renova- tion , but rather a rupture and fchifine , a confufion and diforder in the foule : But a fjiirituall conflit is in the famefaculty, will againfl will,affec ion'againf} affeaion, heart again(} heart, becaufe Pinne dwels!till in our mor- tall body : Neither doe the fpirit and the fleíh enter into covenant to fhareand divide the man, and fo tore - fide afunder in feverall faculties, and not molefl one ano- thers government; there can be no agreement between the (bong man and him that is flronger; Chrif} will hold no treaty with Belial ; he is able to fave to the uttermofl, and therefore is never put to make compofitions with his enemy ; he will not difparage the power ofhis owne Grace fo much as to entertaine á parley with the flefh . So then they fight not from feverall forts onely, but are ever f}rugling , like Ef u and Jacob , in the faine wombe. They are contrary to one another , faith the Apofile, and contraries meet in the lame fubjec} before they cxercife hoflility again(' one another . Flcfh and fpirit are in a man as light and darkneffe in the dawning ofthc day, as heat and cold in warme water, not fevered in di- ílina parts, but univerfally interweaved and coëxifient in all . There is the fame proportion in the naturali acid fpirituall conflia with finne, as in the change of motion in a Bowle. A. Bowle may be two wayes altered from . that motion which the imprcffed violence from the arm did dire,} it to; fometimes by an externall caufe, a banke meeting and turning the courfe ; ever by an internall, the fway and correaive of the Bias, which accompanies and flackcns the impreffed violence throughout all the motion . So is it in the turning of a man from finne ; A naturali man goes on with a full confent ofheart, no bias. r------ :P3