Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

314 Prtterita, In- fi'antia, futura pari oblivione dir.aifèrat. Mirum arid ip(iun de bello fì,'entium,prohi_ biti per eivita- ten: fermon's - net quid- rlyara nifi jrr- cundisas eo` le- jurutn accepit, vid.! fto.lib.3. The Sinjulnejje of Sinne. in the will or affeaions to moderate or abate the vio- lence, onely fometimes by chaunce he meets with a con - vi&ed judgement, or with a naturali confcience, which like a banke.turnesthe motion, or difappoints the heart in the whole pleafure,ofthat finne ; but in another,where haply he meets with no filch obflacle, he runnes his full and dire& courfe. But now a fpirituall man hath a Bias and CorrecuiveofGrace in the fame faculty where finne is, 'which Both much remit the violence, and at length turne the courfe ofit. And this holds in every finne be- caufe the correaive is not cafualli.or with reipec onely to this or that particular, but is hrmely fix'd in the parts themfelvesonwhich the impreflions of finne are made. Thirdly, they differ in the manner or qualites of the conflit , for firñ, a natural! conflit -, bath ever ?reacher), mixed with it, but a Spirituali confli61 is faithful! and found throughout; and that appeares thus ; A fpirituall heart Both ever ground its fight out of the Word, labors much to acquaint it Golfe with that, becaufe there it {hall have a more dillinet view of the enemy, of his armies, holds, fupplies, traines, weapons, flratagems. For a fpirituall heart fets it felfe feriouíly to fight againfi every method, deceit, armour ofluft, as well againf'c the ,plea - fures,as the guilt of finne.But a natural heart hath a fe- cret treachery and intelligence with the enemy, and therefore hates the light, and is willingly ignorant of the forces of finne, that it may have that to alledge for not making oppofition. There is in every naturali man in finning, a difpofition very futable to that of Vitelilius, who ufed no other defences againff the ruine which ap- proached him, but onely to keepe out the memory and reportof it-with fortification of mirth and fottifhneffc, that fo he might be delivered from the paines of prefer - ying himfelfe. Thus the naturall confcience finding the warte again{} finne to be irkfome, that it may be de- livered from fo troublefome a bufinefhe, labours rather to fiifc