The Sin f rine fJe of Sinne. flifle the notions, to fiippreffe and hold under the truth in unrighteoufüef e,to f }rive, refit+, difpute with the fpi- ,rit, to be gladly gull'd and darkened with the deceits of finne, than to live all its time in unpreventable and un- finifhable contentions. Secondly, a naturall conf:EIise_. ver, particular, and a fpirituall ;sniverfall again!+ all fin, becaufe it proceedeth from hatred which is ever 7re4 qx yams; bri fxet ric.. as the Philoopher fpeakes,again} the whole kinde .4 of a thing. A naturall man may be angry with finnc, as a man with his wife or friend , for fameprefent vexation and difquietneffe which it brings, and yet not hate it, for that reacheth to the very not being of a thing. And for a naturali man to have his lufis fo overcome as not at ali'to be, would doubtleffe be unto-him s painefull, as mutila= tion or difinembring to the naturall body; and there- fore ifit were put to his choyce in fuch termes as might dillinCtly fet forth the painefullneffe and contrariety ofit to his prefciit nature, he would undoubtedly refute it, be- caufe he fhould be dcaitute of a principle to live and move by : and every thing naturally defires rather to move by a principle of its owne,than by violent and for - raigne imprcffons, fuch as are thole by which- naturali men are moved to the wayes of God. And therefore the naturall corfrience doth ever beare with fame fins, if they be finali, unknowne, fccret, or the like, and hear- kens not after them. But thefpirit holds peace with -no Rom3y.13. finne, fights againfi the leaf}, the remote!}, thofe which Cor z are out of fight. Paul againfc the fproutings and rebelli- Pf31. 11. r z. ons of naturall Concupifcence, David again -Pc his {-tact Iota.z.zl, finnes,as Ifrael again(} Iericho, and Ai, and thole other Deut.7.2., cities ofCanaan; itfüffers na .Accurfed thing to be refer- Exoi.tq.lz, ved, it flaycs as well women and children, as men of warre, left that which remaines fhould be a fn are to de- ceive, and an engine to induce more. The naturall'con- fience [hoots only by ayme and levell again(} forme fins, and fpares the ref ,as Saul in the [laughter of the Amale- I I Sa;r,,I '. gates. I 315