316 T1id.,40. de Medear.l,4,c;7 The Sinfulneffe of Sinne. kites. But the fpirituall (hoots not onely by level! a- gaina particular notorious finnes, but at random. too, againll the whole army of finne , and by that meanes Both peradventure wound and weaken lulls which it did not diflin 11y obferve in it felfe by complaining unto God againft the body of fnne, by watching over the courfe and frame of the heart , by acquainting it felfe out of the Word with the armour and devices of Satan,&c. The oppofition then between the naturall confcience and finne, is like the oppofition between fire and hard. nefre in fome fubje6ls; the confliál between the fpiritu- all confcience and (inne , is like the oppofition between fire and coldneffe. Put mettall into the fire , and the heat will diffolve and melt it; but put a bricke into the fire, and that will not melt or foften ( becaufe the confiflen- cie of it Both not arife Ex caufa frigida, but ficca) but put either one or other into the fire, and the coldneffe of it will be removed : and the reafon is , becaufe between fire and hardnefhe there is but a particular oppofition in fome cafes; namely,where a thing is hard out ofa domi- nion ofcold,as in mettals; not outofa dominion of dry qualities, as in bricke and floues; but between fire and coldneffe there is an univerfall oppofition . So a naturali confcience may peradventure fervc to diffolve or wea- ken, in regard of outward practice, fome fins, but never all; whereas a fpirituall reacheth to the remitting and a- bating every lull, becaufe the one is only a particular, the other an univerfall oppofition. Thirdly,thenaturallcon- fciencefights againfl finne with f efhly weapons, and there- fore is more eafily overcome by the fubtilty of Saran, fuck as are fervile feare, fecular ends, carnali difadvanta- ges,generall reafon,and the like; but the fpirituall con- fcience ever fights with fpirituall weapons out of the Word,Faith,Prayer, Hope, Experience, Watchfulneffe, Love, godly Sorrow, Truth of heart, &c. Fourthly, they differ in theii;Effecctr. Firft, a natural/ conf licfl'