Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

T he Sinfulneff of Sinne. 7 confii5f confiRs with thepraélice of many finnes unque -, fiioned, unrefified ; but a fpirituall changeth the courfe and tenor ofa mans life, that as by the remainders of the flefh the beft'may fay, We cannot doe the things which we ' GA5,3.7. -would: So by the firfi fruits of the fpirit, and the feed of God, it may be truly fayd , They cannot fznne. For i toil, 3.9 .10., though they doc not attain a perfcaion in the manner, yet for the general current and courte oftheir living it is ,without eminent, vifible,and kandalous blame. Second - ly,thc naturallis onely a combat , there is no viaory fol - lowes it,finneiscomnmitted with delight and perfilled in flill ; but the fpirituall diminifheth the power and flrength of finne. Thirdly, the naturell if it doe over- come, yet it doth onely reprefe or repell fin for the time; like the victory of Saul over egag, it is kept alive, and kath no hurt done it, but the ffiirituall doth mortifie, cru cifie,fubduefin. Someplaif +ers skin,but they do.not cure; give prefent cafe , but no abiding remedy againfi the root of the difeafe : fo fome attempts againfi finne may onely for the prefent pacific, but not truly cicanfe the confcience from dead workes. Fourthly, the naturall makes a man never a whit the {hanger againfi,,the next affault of Temptation, whereas the fpirituall begets ufu- ally more circuinfpe, ion, prayer, faith, humiliation, growth, acquaintance with the depth and, niyfleries of finne, skill to manage the fpirituall armour , experience ofthetruth,power, and promifes ofGod, &c.. Lafily , they differ in their end The naturals is only to pacific the clamours.of an unquiet confcience, which ever takes Gods part; and pleads for his fervice .againfi the finnes of men, .The fpirituall is with an intent to pleafe and,obeyGod, and to. magnifie his Grace which . is made perfec`i in our- weaknelfe Now for a word of the third Cafe ,.Why every finne doth not reiggn ira every wicked man? for anfwer where - Unto Vve Inuit , firfl ; know that properly it is originall fznne ( which