Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

3t$ `l he Senf ulneffe o, Sinne. which reigues, and this king is very wife, and therefore fends forth into a rnan members and life, as into feve- rall provinces,fuch Viceroyes, fuch aduall firmes, as may bell keepethe ferfon in peace and encouragement , as may lull difquiet his ef}ate, and provoke rebellion . Se- condly, we are to dïflinguifi betweene thc Reigne of fin ne,a uall,and virtmall,or rn prxparatione animi, for if the flare oftiac King requires it , a man wil be apt to obey thole commands of 1ufl, which now haply his heart ri- fethagainfl,as favage and belluine pradlices, as we fee in Hatael. Thirdly though Originall fnne be egt2all in All, and to all purpofes; yet Actuall fnnefor the molt part folloives the temper of a mans mind, body , place, calling, abilities, efate,converfrngs,relation.r, and a world of the like variable particulars. Now as a river would of it felfe cæteris paribms,goe the necreft way unto the fea,but yet according to the qualities and exigencies of the earth through which it paffcth,or by the arts of men, it is croo- ked and wryed into many turnings : So Originall finne would of it felfe carry a man the neerefl -way to hell through thesnidfl ofthe moll divellifh and hideous abo- minations ; but yet meeting with fcverall tempers and conditions in men, it rather ehóofeth in many- men thc fafeft -than thefpeedief} way, carries them in acompaffe, by a gentler and a blinder path, than through filch noto- rious and horrid courfes, as wherein having hell ff ill in their view , they might haply be brought fornetime or other to flan back and bcthinke themfelvcs. But l.flly, and principal ly,thcdifferentadminiflrationof Gods ge- nerall refiraining G race (which upon unfcarchable and mofl wife and l;ufl reafons, he is plcafed in feveralÌ area- fures to difiribute unto feverall men) may be- conceived a full rcafon , why force men are not given over to the rage and frenzy oírnarty lulls , who yet live in a volun- tary and plenary obedianec unto many other§ TO coy,:clude, By all this Which hat' 5. ?ert f; ìrce- } w c. 1h cult