j he Sinfulne ry of Sinne. fhould bee exhorted to goe over unto Chrifi that we may be tranílated from the power of Satan ; for he one - ly is able to firike through thefe our kings in the day of his. wrath Confider the iffue of the reigne of finue, (wherein it differs from a true King, and i'ympathizeth with Tyrants , for it intendeth rnifchiefe and mifery to thofe that obey it.) Firfi, finne reignes unto Death; that which is here called the Reigue of lbw, is before called the Reigne of Death, and the reigne offinne unto `Death, Corn. 5.17. 1. Rom. 6.16. Secondly, Sinne reigneth unto feare and bondage, by reafon of the death which . it brings, rieb.2.1 5. Thirdly,Sinne rergneth unto fhame, even in thofe who efcape both the death and bondage of it. Fourthl_y,it reigneth without any fruit, hope, or benefit; what fruit hadyou then in thofe things whereof ye are ñowafhamed? Rom.6.zi- .Lafily the reigne of fin is but momentary, at the length both it felfe and all its fubje5s (hall be fubdued. The world paffeth array, and the lufls thereof, but he that cloth the will of God abideth for ever, I Ioh.2.i 7. Of Chrifis Kingdome there is no end. We (hall reap if we faint not. Our combat is fhort, our vi6tory is lure, our Crowne is fife, our triumph is. eternall ; his Grace is All- fufficient here to helpe us, and his Glory»is All- fufcient hereafterr to reward us. THE V9