Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The fin fulne e of Sinne. 313 rifull than, was the foule of, man, for whole fervice this whole glorious frame was .ereeted, and who was filled .wi.h the know ledge and love of all Gods revealed Will ? Now finne brought co. ;fufion , diforder, vanity, both upon the whole Creations upon the Image of G o D in Men and Angels. What thing more glorious than an Angell, what more hideous than a Deseill; and it was no thing but (inne which made an Angell a Devill. What thing more beautifull and benigne than Heaven, what more horrid and mercileflè than Hell, and yet it was (in which drew a * Hell oart of Heaven; even fire and brim. 1tone upon -Gods enemies. What more excellent and befitting the hands of "filc'h a workman then an umiverfall fulneffe and goadneffe in the whole frame of nature ? What morebafe and unferviceable than emptinefiè and diforder ? And it is fanne which hath put-chinkes into all the Creatures to let .out their vertu; and bath brought vanitie and vexation of Spirit upon all things Under the Sunne. In one word what more honourable than to ob- taine the end for which a thing is made ? What more ab- horrid than to fubfiit in a condition infinitely more wc- full than not tobe ?and it is fin only which fhall one time or other make all impenitent finners wi(h rather to bee hurried into that fearefull gulfe of annihilation, and to he fwallowed up in everlaaing forgetfulnes, then live with chofe markes of vengeance,under thofe mountainous and unfupportable prefigures, which their finnes will bring up- on them. When. we looke into the Scriptures tó finde out there the refemblances of (inner wee finde it compar'd to the motfloathfome of things. 'To the blond and pollution of a new borne childe, before it bee cut, waffled, falted, or fwadled, Ez.ekt t6.6, To, the rettennelfe of a man in his Grave, The whole wórld lieth in mifchiefe and fanne, t lob, 5419. even as a dead man in the flame, and rottenneffe of Í his Grave. To that noy /omefeame and poyfonous exha. Y 2 lation