Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

324 Phil. 3.8. Rom,; 4. Iames 3.8. r Cor.t5.65. fames 1.z:. 2. Pe;ier 2.10, 7 he linfcrinefJe of Sinne. lation which breaths from the mouth of an open Sepul- cher, their throat is an, open Sepulcher, Rom .3.13. that is, out of their throate proceedeth nothingbut itinkingand rotten communication, as the Apoftle calls it, Eph. 4.29. To the nature of Vipers, Swine, and Dogges, Luke 3.7. 2 Peter 2. 2o. To the dung or, the poyfon, fling, excrements, vomit of there filthy creatures ; to a mote cf bstterne fe which defileth many, Het,. I 3, i S , to thorner and briers, which bring forth no other fruits but curfes, He6.6,S. To the excrements of metals, dro(e, and re- probate / :lver,Ier.6.2 8. Ezel;, a 2.I 8.To the excrements of a boyling pot, agreat / cumme, Eze.24, I 1,12* To the wont of all difeafes, fores,Efay 1.6. Rotte tinej7'e,2 Tim, 3.8. Gangrenes or leap 2Tim. ?.17. Plague and pe- f`tilence, I Kiug.8.3 8. The menftruoufne f e of a removed woman, Ezek ì 6. I 7. To a ve fell in which there ù no plea- titre, which is but the modelt expref ion of that draught into which nature emptieth it felte,Hof 8. a. And which is the fumme of all uncleanneffe, finne in.the heart is compar'd to the fire of hell, lam.3.6. So that the pure eyes of God doe loatb to fee, and bic no f#ril r to ¡mell it, Zacb.n,8. Amos S .2I. It makes all thofè that have eyes open, and judgements reaified to abhorre it in others. The Wicked is an abomination to the righteoxe, `Prov.29 37. When defperate wretches poure out their oathes and execrations againft Heaven, (Come and perfecute the Word of, grace, count it bateneffe and cowardife not to dare to bee defperately wicked, then every true heart mourns for their pride, compaflionates their mifery defies their folicitations, declines their companies and courtes, even as moll infeftious, fcrpentine, and hellith exhalations which poyfon the ayre, and putrifie the earth upon which they tread. And when God gives a man eyes to. looke inward, unridgeth the Confcience, unbow- clleth the heart, ftirreth up by his Word the linke which is in every . mans bofome, makes him smell the carrion