The Jmnfulneffe of Sinne. carrion of his owne dead worker, tluncleanneífe of his evil% Confcience, the filthineflè Of his Nature, every man is then conftrained to abhorre himfelfe, to be b adi foaie in hisowne fight, and to ftoppe his NJfe at the poy -; ,fon of his owne (ores, Ezek;36.3 r. For the more particular discovery of this truth, let us firft Tooke upon the be, workes of the dell men. Though we fay aot that they are fins, and in natura rei culpable, as our adverfaries charge us yet fo much evils doth ad- here unto them by the mixture of our corruptions, by palling through our hands, as when fweet Water paf feth through a finke, as that God might juflly turne a- way his eyes from his owneGraces in us, not as his Gra- ces, but as in us. It is true, the 1pirituallofferings and facrifices of the Saints., as they come from Gods Crace.are clean old afweet favour, acceptable, well pleating and delightful) Pluto god. But yet as they come from us they have iniquitie in them , as not being done with that through and moti eat conformity to Gods Will, as His Iuftice requires, and therefore if bee fhould enter into ,judgment, and marke what is done amifle,he might raja& our Prayers, and throw backe the dung of our facrifices into our faces, for abufing and defiling his Grace ; For curled it every one that coatinueth not hi: eve - ry thtng written in the Law to doe it. Clean then and ac- ceptable they are. Fit$, comparatively in regard of wick- ed mens offerings, which are altogether uncleane. Se- condly, by favour and acceptance, becaufe God fpareth us as a father his femme that delires to pleafe him. Thirdly, (which is the ground of ail) by participation with Chrifl, being perfuan'd with his,tncenle, being grained through his blond, being fan &tiftei upon his Altar ; When he JJal1 /it as a refiner and purifier of fold, to purifie the formes of Levi, and purge them as geldand Aver, then %ball they offer unto the Lord an ofering in righteoufne(e, then (hall the offerings of ¡«date and ferufalem bee pleafant unto the Y 3 Lord. 3 =s Phi1.4.r8. Heb.r3.r6. Prov. rg.8. Epte, i.e. 114.3.3)4