Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

326 Efly 64. á. The I njulneff e of Sinne. Lord. B ut it }t felte our bell righteoufneffe is as a men- frimom rigge. If God fhould lay r.ghteoufneffe to the line and judgment to the plummet, should take filch cx cepti®ns as bee juftly might at the molt holy adion that any Saint can offer to him ; ] f hee fhould flew the con - lcience how -fhort it falls of that totali perfedion which his pure eye requires, how many look thoughts, how much deadneffe, wearinefie, irreverence, diflìdence,vi- tiateth our purest prayers ; how many by ends, corrupt reipeds, ignorances, overlïghts, forgetfulneffe,worldly intermixtures deface and blemilli our brighteft ai5}ions ; how much unbeliefe conftts with the ftrongeil faith; how many thornes, !tones, birds, doe haunt and cover the ben ground, the molt honelt and good heart to Rifle and fteale away the word from it; how many weedes doe mingle with the purest corne ; how much ignorance in the fublimeft judgements; how much vanitie in the fevered and exaeteft mindes ; how much loofeneffe and digreflions in the molt fadde and compofed thoughts ; how many impertinencies and irregularities in the moft bridled and refrained tongue; how muchmifpence of the feafons and opportunities of Grace in the molt thrifty redemption of our time ; how much want of Compaflîon ..and melting ail'ea -ions in our v reatef} aimes; of love to the truth, and right acceptation of the beautiful] tydings of peace in our largeít contributions ; how much felfe allowance and dtlpenlàtion to iterate, and reiterate our lmaller errors ; if in thefe and a world of the like advan- tages Clod ihould be exaót to marke what is done amífse, who were able to fand in his prefence, or abide his corn - wing ? Say the Papiif what they will of merit of condig- nitie, commensurate to eternall life, and proportionable to the justice and feveref fcrutinie of the moil pure :»nd jealous God; yet let the Conicience of the Holieltof them all bee fummon'd to tingle out the molt pure and nleritoricus worke which he ever did, and with that to joyne