Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The flnfulnef j of Sinne. 317 joyne iflue with Gods Iuflice to perish oobe faved accor- ding as chat molt perfee't of all his workes filial! appeare righteous or impure; and I dare prefume none of them would let their i'alvation run a hazard upon that tryall, So then there is pollution by way of adherencie and con- tad in the bell workes of the belt men. How much more then in the hell worker of unregene 'rate r3ren ? Their facrifices uncleane and abominable be- fore God, being offered upon the ;liar of a defiled con- fcience, 'Pro. 1.5. 8. Tit. I.15. Their prayers and folemne meetings' hateful', loathlome,impious, Efny 1.13,14,15. For either they are but the howlmgs of a ffieled men,that cry out for paine, but not out of love, Hof 7.14. or the babling of carelefe and fècure men, that cry Lord, Lord, and mumble a tew words without further notice, like Balaams Affe,Mat,7.2 r . or the Wifhings and wouldings of inordinate men, that pray for their tufts and not for their fouIts, Iamr.4.3.Or lailly the bold and unwarranted intruf ons of prefumptuoue men, who without refpea to the Word, Proms es, or Conditions ofGod, would have mercy from him without grace, andforgiveneFfe of finne without for faking of fin. Their mercies are cruell mer- cies ; their prof fon of religion but a forme of godline ffe, 2 Tim. 3.5 . Alfas I fail before but the embalmingof a, carcaffe,which abates nothing of the hideoufneffe of it in the fight of God. And now if thebell workes of wicked men are fo un- cleane and full of filthineffe in Gods eyes, where then (ball appeare their confefied linnet? If their prayers and devotions flinke, how much more their oathes and exe- crations ? If their facrifices and that which they offer to God is unclean, how uncleane their lacriledge and that which they íleale from him ? 1 f their mercies be cruelly how cruel their malice, mnrthers ,briberies,oppreflions ?If there be fo much fil thineffe in their profef ion, how Much more in their perfecu.ion, in theic,reviling and fcorning y4. of