Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

32,8 The fn,/ulneff e of Sinne.,t x. Hof.4 t 3. E zc(c. z 4. c 3. .9q.rin i. aæ.qu. 86, artic. r . of the wayes of God ? Iftheir failings and maceration be lìnfull and not unto the Lotd, Zac.7.5. What is their drunkenneffe, their fpuing and flaggering, their clamors and uncleanneffe, all their curfed compliments and cere- monies of damnation ? O confider this all yee that have hitherto forgotten God ! Remember that his eyes arepurer than alirayes to behold iniquitìe; Remember that his fpirit willnot alwa es /rive with file ! Admire his bottomleffe patience,which bath thus long fuffered thee an uncleane veílell to pollute chy felfe and others, and forborne thee with more pati- ence than thou,could'il have done a Toade, or Serpent, than which notwithilanding in his fight thou art farre more uncleane : And R member that his Patience is Sal- vation, and ihould lead thee to repentance ! Confider ; chat the Law of the Lord is pure,and his feare cleane,and his tolirieffe beautifull, the garments with which he clo- theth his Priefs, garments of comelinef je and praife, made for glory and beanty ; hee comes with fire and /ope, with Water and blend to heale our fores, to purge our unclean - nefle. But now if there be lewdneffe in our flthineffe, ob- lu nacy in our evill wayes; if it fuffice us trot to have thus long wrought the will of the Gentiles, let us with feare confider thole wofull denunciations : Let him that is fil. thy bee filthy Bill: Ephraim is joined to Idols let him alone : Beepers /e I have ptsröed thee, and thou waft not pur- ged, thou 'halt not be purged from ry (innes any more, till I bave curled my fury to ref upon thee. We have confidrred the od fit, that finne is full of filthinefTe and pollution. I will but name the 6) aid fit, waat this filtbincfl'e is. It bath Two thing; belonging to the nature of it. Firil, a privation or the nitor, or beauty. whìchthe Image of God bronoht into thefordo with it. A deformity to the holineflc and brightneífe of the Law. The Law was both Hely and Good, not onely the Kale but the beauty of our life and nature. So that as evill is a de-