The /mnfudnef of Sinne. a declination and fwaiving from the Law as a Rule, io it is finale, and as it is a fwarving from the Law as our beau- ty, fo it is tine ffaine and'011u:ion of the Sea de. Secondly, it notes a volitive fosslrneffe, an habitual' (both naturali and contrai }ed) defilednefle of minde and confcience,an introducing of the image of Setan,hideous markes of hel- lifhneffe and deformity in the foule, body and converfa- tion. Every defire,motion, and figment of the heart be- ing nothing but the exhalations of an open fepulcher,tbe dampe and fleame of a rottenfoule. Now in the fall place ler us fee the Qale fi't, thole. Evil' Properties which acco:nparty this pollution Foure wofull qualities belong unto it. Fir('r, it is a deepe pol- lution of a Crimton dye, of a Scarl et tinìuethat. will not weare out, Efay 1.2 8. bake rho fpots of a Leopard,or the blackne jfe of an etbiopian,which is not by way of ac- cidental' or externall adherencie, but innate and con- temper'd, belonging to the conflitutionjer. 1 3.2 3. It is engraven upon their heart, written with an iron pen, and the claw of a diamond, and fo fah»on'd even in the very jubilance of the foule, Ier.17.1. lt is an aniqu' tif mar - kid, which cannot bee wafhed.awaywith nit.rand much fope, no more than market imprinted and inco-porated in the fubilance of a veffeiï, Ier.2. 2 2. The whole inun- dation and deluge of Noah could not wa'h it off from the earth, but it return'd againe. A (howre of fire and . brim`ïone from Heaven bath not fo clenfed it out of the Conn ry of Sodome, but that the venome and plague of it Both fill there appeare in a poyfonous and Clinking,_ lake. The Plague which came amongil the Ifraelites for - the abominations of Baal deer had not clenfed the fil thinefCe all away, but many yeeres afier the (laine re- mained, lof. 2R.17. Nay, the very flames of Hell O i1 not in all eternitie bee able to eate out the PT:nts, or to },fetch away the haines of the fmalle firmes from the , nature of man. Nay, which is yet tl:tonger than all this, thou 7 r` 329 wtP