Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

330 Adee non fola anima tranfigit vitam, ut nec cogitates, licet felts, licet non ad rffeftum per carnem dedu- 110J, auferamus a collegio carvis. --- fide op:re, e.9.- fine cflíu, cogitates, car - nG_s ef il`7us. Ter t. dr 1(fitr- reel. car,aió c.14 i- The fi'nfùlneffeof )inne. tho.tgh Grace be of it felfe apt to wipe out, and conquer finne, yet that nwafure and portion of Grace which here the belt receive, though it ray (horten, weaken, abate, yet it loth not utterly roote it ou,. Who can fay I have. made my h.-art cleane, I ass free from my finnes? The beh of us have yet our lores running upon us, and fland in need of a garment to cover our pollucionF. Secondly, It is an univerfall pollution, I Paid un:o thee when thou watt In thy blood, live. W e are by nature all overdro Nn'd and plung'd in the filthineflè of linne. The. Apoftle here calls it filthinefe of fleJh and fpirst, to note the- compsrffe of the ltaine offinne. For notwithitand -ing fume finnes belong principally to the fpirit, as pri e, he- retie, idolatry, fuperltition, cí c. and others to the flefli, as drunkenneífe ,gluttonie,uncleanneffe,cc. yet certaine it is that every fnne defiles both flefh and fpirit, by the reafon of their mutuall dependance in being and working, and of the contagious 9nality of fin. Sins of the fleih foake and finke, and eate into the bottome of the fpirit, to drowne that with hardneflè, infenftbility,errour,fecu. rity, inconfiderateneífe contempt of God, &c, and the finnes of the fpirit breake out like plague fores into the flefh, pride into the eye, malice into the hand, herefte in- to the tongue,fuperftition and idolatry into the knee,dc. the .foule and bo.iy have fo neere communion, that one can no more ftnne alone without the contagion of the o- ther, than one wheele in an Engine move without the motion of the other.. Thirdly, it is a fpreading pollution. A leprofie,a gan- grene, a plague, that diffufech poyfon and infe ion upon others. Firf}, it fpreads in a mans felfe. Au evils lult will infeft the thoughts, and they the deftres, and they the words and adlions, and they grow into habits and reflex backe againe upon the heart and Confcience to harden and defile them. Secondly, this infe6lion ttaies not in a mans felfe onely, but runnes forth upon others to leade and