Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The /mnfiulnef of Sinne. j and mifguide them ; wee will certainey doe as we 11a, e done,We and our kings,our princes,and our fathers ,iu the cities of Iudab'and in the ttreets of Icrufalem, To art.. e 'and compel them ;why com prlleí t hou the gentiles to live &u doe the lexies ?To comfort and hearten them ;Thep: h.4 juflried, and art a comfort to thy Jflers Sodom and Sa- ma: ia. To exa operate and enrage thou ; Thou haflgiz en occc f ,n to the enemies of the Lord to blafpbeme. To de- ceive and feduce them, as the old Prophet of Betheldid the I- rophec of the Lord by his lie. To teach and in f#ruït .them; the I raetitelby their idolatry taught their children to wake after Toulon. And by how much the more au- , thority over the perlons of men, or eminencie of place, or. reputation of pietie any man bath, by fo much the more fpreading and infe&ions are his (mues, being taken with the more fruit and affurance. If a Minitler be loofe and fcandalous, a Magi irate careleffe and rugie, a gen- tleman rude and uncleane, a man that profetleth the power of godlinelle, unjaift and worldly, ftrange it is how the lower and more ignorant rank of men, who be- leeve that furely fuch men as thefc are not by tht it pia'_ es to farre from, or by their learning and !Indies fo.unac- quainted with God as they, willbe hereby ftrengthened in their deadly and formali courfes.Thirdly (which is yet woofe) the very godly are apt to be infeied by the Jinnrs cf the wicked. It is not fo strange to lee a godly man mil.- guided and teduc'd by the errours of others like himfeife, the eftimation of whofe perlons may over -rule the opini- on of their a.&tions, and fo make a man take.them up n truft from them. But that a holy man should catch inte- cólion from the.examp'e of another who is in the gall of bitternes, is a thingthat wonderfully fets forth the cor- ruption of our nature,and the contagion of tin, The fens of God fay the daughters of men, and were polluted, the people of Ifrael fate the Midianitifh women and were ea- feared, An Holy mans converting with loofe, carnali, and '331 Icr.44 t 7 Gal. 2.I g.. Eze.t6.52r44- i Sam. 1 2. I4. IKing.13.iS. Ier. 9. 14.