Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

332 The fìrfulne/feof 6inne. Pialcn.ioi.;. Zach.ç.q. Ter.' z 4. Rom . 3 . zo,t i. zPet.;ero,ii. Ezek. i 6 6, and formali mere, drfvvonts him from the Mayes ofGod, brings a deadnefíe of fpirir, and infenfible decay of grace upon him fecretly, and therefore the more dangeroufly conveys a mediocrity and compliancy of Spirit, with formes onely of godlineflé and pharifaicall outfides, be- gets much difpenlation and allowance in many errours, that he may keepe pace, and not feeme too aultere, cen- forions, and ill conceited of the men whom hee walkes- with. Therefore David would not fuller a wicked man to be in his pretence, nor any wicked thing to be before hr's eyes, left it /lonld cleave unto him. Take heede,faith the Apof}le, left my roote of bittern fe fpringing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled. Fourthly, it 1preads not onely upon men, but defiles and curfew the good Creatures of God about su ; It puts a leprofie into the Hone in the P411, and the beame in the houle, barrenne fe into the earth, mourning into the Elements, confumptivn into the B'aft, and Birds, bondage, v rritie, grrtfe, and at Jail combuflion and dif olution upon the whole frame of,na- ture. Fourthly,it is a mortal! and a poyf nout pollution ,the pol- lution ofdeadly fores,and putrifaRions. ?laid urto thee in thy blond live ,yea I Paid unto thee in thy blond 1ive.I t notes that that eflate wherein they were in their fnnes, was fo deadly, that the cure of them was very difficult, it requi- red the repetition of Gods power and mercy. if a child new borne thobald he expofed in its blond to°the injury of a cold ayre, not have the Navel! cut, nor the body wrapp'd, or wath'd, or tended at all, how quickly would it bee that fromthe womb of the mother it would drop into the Womb of the Earth a The date of fione is an efface of'nakedneflr, blond, impotency, obnoxioufnefíe to all the temptations and (Hares of Sathan, to all the darts of death and hell. The ancients compare it to fal- ling into a pit full of dirt and :Pones, a man is not onely polluted, but hee is bruited and wounded by it. To con- clude,