,.m.....- The finfulne/feof Sinne. 3;3 clude,th. re is no deformity nor filthines extant which did no rite from tin. It is finne which puts bondage into the Creature,which brings ditcords and deformities upon the face of nature. It is tin which putdhvilifhnes into Angelt of Heaven, and hurried them downe from their fiat habi- tation. It is fin which pur aging into deatb,without wch though it kill yet it cannot curfe. t is lin which pus fire in to hell,and fupplits unto all eternity the fuell d;,rnaterials for thole u+ ìextinguiihable flames. It is tin which puts hell into the conici, nce, and armes a man with terrours and a- mrzements againlf him elfe.l t is firi which puts rottennes and d,U,onoter into the grave; he that died without tin role up without corruption. Ii :s fin which wrings ow thole clamors &gronct of bruit creatures,which wrei }le under the curie of Adams fall. It is fin which enrageth & mad- eth one beat} againft another, and one man against ano- ther,and one nation againtt another. It is fin wch brought fhame and difhonor upon that nakednes unto which all the creatures in Paradife did owe awe and reverence. It is fin which turned Sodom into a (finking lake, and Ierufalem- the glory of the Earth, into a defolation and haunt for Owles and Bitterns. It is finne which fo often itainech Heaven and Earth with the markes of Gds vengeance, and which will One day roule up in darkeni , and de- voure with fire, and reduce to its primitive contutiion the '. whole frame of nature. It is fin which puts horror into the Law, makes that which was at firlt a Law of lice and liberty, to be a Law of bondage and death, full of weak neffe, unprofitablenetl'e, hideoufnefle, and curies. It is finne winch puts malignity and vtnome into the very Gof- pell, making it a favour of Death unto Death, that is,of another deeper death and forer condemnation, which by trampling upon the bloud of Chri(t wee draw upon our (elves, unto that death under which wee lay before by the snalediEtion of the Law. And latUy (,which is the higheft that can bee fpoken of the venome of finne.) It