Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

334 Eby =,l S, t 8. The finiulnelle of Sinneo t is fin which, in a fort, and to 1peake after the manner) of men hach put hatred into god Himje1fe, bath moved the molt mercifull, gracious and compaflîonate Creator, hate the things which he made, and not to take pitie upon the works of his hands. It God had look'd round about his ozone workes, he could have found nothing but goodne fe in them,and therefore nothing but Love in him_ felfe. But when Panne came into the World, it made the Lord repent, and grieve, and hate, and defiroy his oWne workinanfhip. And the confideration hereof fhould drive us all like Lepers and polluted *retches to that Fountaine in Ifrael which is ope9ed for finne and for uncleanneffe, to buy of him White rayment that wee may bee clothed, and the /hame of our nakednefe may not appeare. For which purpofe we muff 6rft find out the pollution of Panne in our selves, and that is by ding the glaf e of the Law, which was publifhed of purpofe to make finne appeare exceed. ing finfull. For as reflum is fui index & obliqui fo pu- rum t fui index impuri, That which is right and pure is the meafure and ditcovery of that which is crooked and impure. Nowthe Law is Bight, Pure, Holy, Tuft Good, Lovely, Honourable, Cleane; and therefore very' apt to difc over the contrary afedions:and properties in finne. And having gotten by the Law acquaintance with our felves, there is then fit place for the Apoftles precept, To cleanfe our [elves from al! falthine f fe of flub and fpirit. Firm the Lord difcovered the prepofteroufnefle of Ifraels fervices unto him, when they came before him in their uncleanneflè, and lifted up hands full of bloud, and then- comes the like precepts to the Apoftles here,wafhye, make yee cleane, put array the evil) of your doings from before mine eyes, &c. But can an uncleane thing cleanfe it felfe ? Can that. which is inerinfecally, naturally, inherently unclean purifie it felfe ? It may pollute any thing which touch