Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The jnfulneffe of Sinne. eth it, but how can it ceafe from that which belongs to its nature, or wipe out that which bath eaten in, and is marked in its very iùbflance ? It is true of our (elves we can not cleanfe our ¡cives, I t is Chrif s Office to San6filie his Church, and it is His comlinefe with which wee are ado1 lied, without him we can doe nothing but yet having bins we moil wag) our (elves. For God w orketh not up- on men as a carver upon a lione when bee would induce the fhape and proportions of a man, but yet leaves it a floe ftill and no more but as himfelfe did worke upon Ear,h in Paradife wneu bee brea:h'd into it the Soule of man, and fo made it a Living Creature. It is true a natu- rali man is as dead to grace as a' alone is to naturali life, and therefore if oncly man ílould worke upon him bee would continue as dead dill; but he who-otdead Earth made a living man, is able of (loner to raife up Children canto eAhraham, and the worke of converfion is cr worke of vivification. Now then being quicl¿ned, we muff walk and work, our felves. I will take away, faith the Lorsl,the (lone heart out of their fief and I will give them an heart- of flefb, that they may walks. my f atutes, &c. So then God commands us to cleanf'e our felves when yet it is his owne worke. Fírft, to teach us that wba. hee dotbis not out of dutie or debt, but of Grace and Favour, for when he doth that which lie coriomands, it is manifeiLrh'at agars was the duty, and therefore his the greater mercy, to give us money wherewith to pay him the d bt we owed. Thou work_efl all our worlds for tai, faith the Prophet. The worke as it is a duty is ours, but as it is a performance it is thine, ,-Secondly, bee dot] it to flew that though bee be the Author and fiailber of our Faith, though hee who béginoeth our gond workes, cloth alto p;rforme them until] the day of Ghrift.yet he will not have us abide al- wayes under his hand as dead (tones, but, being quick- tied, and healed by his .Spirit, and having our impoten- cies removed, wee likewile mull cooperate and move to the 3;5 Ezek. 16.14. frag. Dele-cat. merit. & Rem i . lib. 2. cap. 5. Eze.i I.YLJj 20 EEy 26, 12. E b, 12..1. Phil. r. 6. ;