336 hJ. z. t;. Ideo jubet que non po(Jiamus,ut ,ion. rimus quid ab illo pe: ere de- beamus. [pia enim ea files our orando im- petrat quodiex impecat. Aug. de Gea. er lib. Ezec. ¡$.3o. Nos non faci-. TIM ut ilkfaci - at que promifit; fed illo facit ut nos faciamus ?tre precepit. Aug. T he]rnfulneffeof Sinne. the fame end with him ; for he loth not fo worke for us, but hee withal! gives us a will and a deede to concurre with him to the fame aCtions, efts wee have received Chrill, fo wee muff walke to him. Thirdly, to thew us wh re wee mutt fetch our cure, to teach us that bee will bee fought unto by us, and that wee muli rely upon his Po Ner and Promifes. Therefore Hee convmandeth us the things which we cannot doe, that we might know of whore to begge them, for it is Faith alone which obtaineth by Prayer that which the Lawrequireth onely but cannot etfe &, by reafon of the weaknetre of it. In one place the Lord commandeth, calf away from you allyour tranffref lions, and make you a new heat and anew fpirit. In ano- ther place he promifeth, 1 will fprinkle cleane water upon you and you ¡hall be cleanfrom all your ftlthineffe ands rom all your Idols will 1 cleanfe you ; eA new heart alto will I Ig ;ve you, and a new (pirit will I put within you, and 1 will take, away the ffonie heart out of your fief?), and will give you an heart of fief!,. How can thefe things Bonfit} toge- I Cher, , He commands us to doe that which bee promifeth to doe himfelfe ? but onely to thew that God gives what he requires. The things which he bids us doe, (as if they were to bee the workes of our owne will, and being in- deed the duties which we-owe) yet hee promiferh to doe in us, to thew that they are the workes of' his grace, and that his p romif s are the foundation of all our performan- ces. For wee by working doe not caufe him to fulfill his promifes, but hee by promifing doth enable us to per - forme our workes. So then we cleanfe our felves 6y the frength of his promifes, they are the principles of our Pu- rification. This the Apot }le expreffech in the Text. Hav- ing there fore thefe promifes (dearely beloved) Let us cleanfe our felves. This then is the next thing wee mu(1 inquire into,. wherein the 1frength of this argument lies, and how a i man ought to make ufe of tite prom f s to infeire and prefle