The /ïnfulnef fe of Stime. 337 reíle upon his confcience this duty of cleanßns- himfelfe.; i -fere then firii we mull note, that promi,/es doe conrainei the matter c f rewards, and are for the moil part fo pro - poled unto us. Abating only the firs`I premife of cashing unto the obedience of Faith, which,' conceive is rather made unto Chrill in our behalfe ( flsLe of mee aad I will give thee the heathen fer thine inheritance and the utter - mofiz parts of the earth for thy po ffe cn) than unto us for - malty , becauíe the feede of e 46raharn ate the fubjea of the promifes, I íày excepting onely that, I conceive all other prom ices to beare in them the nature of a reward, and fo to carry relation to pretuppoled Services. For benefits have ufually burdens and engagements with them, fo that promiies being the reprefentation of re- war %s, and rewards the confequents of fervice, and all Cervices being generally comprehended in this of clean- ing cur felves from all f lthineffe, and o f fnifliing holixe ffe in Gods feare, manifetl it is that the prornifes are in this regard ht arguments to induce our duty. The Gofpell which is the Word of `Promife bath an obedience annex- ed unto it, which the Apoflle cals the Obedience of the Gofpell: And Faith being the hand to receive the pro - mifes bath an obedience annexed unto it likewiíè, which the fame Apoflle cals the obedience of Faith, for it is not onely a hand to receive, but a hand to worke. To live to our felves, and yet lay claime to the promi(es, is to make God a lyer, not to beleeve the record which bee gives of himielfe, that he will not call away pretious things upon twine. His promifes are free in fieri, made only out of grace, but conditionall in faElo effe, performed and ac- compli ihed with dependance upon duties in us. God is Faithfull,faith the Apoftle,who fhall flabl%fh you and keep you from evill, there is the promu e, and we are confident that yofs will doe the things which we command you,there is the duty which that promife calls for. When we pray, Give us our daily bread, ley laying, Give us,we acknow- Z ledge, z ThcC. r.8.. Rom , r. g,1 6, 23. z TheC.3.3,4: