338 s Thcf.;.r1,1l flr omzttendo f lea! debito; em ..r:g. sTina.4.8. Cor. 10.1; H,b. 10.23. 3 lohn I.9. Teut 7,8. befinfulneff of Sinne. ledge that it is from God, but when we call it ours, wee flew how God gives it, namely in the ufe of means. For Bread is Ours,not only in the right of thepromife, /will not fade thee, nor fort ke thee, but by fer vice and quiet working in au orderly calling. Secondly, `Promifes are apt to purifie not only as ar- guments to induce it, but likewifeas efficient caufes and principles, being by Faith apprehended,of our Holine fe. And lb the force of the reafon is the fame, as if a rich man having given a great efface unto his forme, should adde this exhortation, having received fuch gifts as theíe, and having now wherewithal) to live in qualitie and worth, keepe your felfe in}faíhion like the Sonne of fuch a Father. Efficients they are. Firf}, as tokens and exprefsions of Gods love, for all Clods premifes are grounded in his Love. Rs iullice, Truth, and Fidelity are the reafonsof fisil. ling promises, b;caufe in them bee maketh himfelfe our debtor (Therefore faith the Apof}le, There is laid up fer me a Crimple of righteoufnefe which God the righteous 7uclge fhall give arnte mee and againe, God is fai,hfull, who will not fuller you to bee tempted,.and faithful! if bee that bath promtfed, who alfe will doe it; and Saint Iohn, If we come ffe our fnnes, be is fait) full and juff to forgive ass our f nes, and to clean :e us from all unríghteoufne fe. One would think a man fhould rather feare the revenge clean expeá} the forgivene ffe of f nnes by Gods iujiice, but God. is as jut} in performing th mercy which Flee promifeth,as in executing the vengeance which he threat. neth.- So then Iuf ice and Fidelity, are the reasons offall. filling promiles, but Gods Love and Mercy is the only rea- (on of making promif s, The Lord did net fit his Lave upon rou nor choefe you (faith Alofes to lfrael) 6ecaufe yee were more in; number than any people,. but becaufe the Lord lo- ved you, that is the ground of making the promife, and he exile he would keepe the oath which he had fworne to your fathers.