t 3q.0 066.19.9. ill dit Timev cri-rum ne z:eíre7; tçla 7imeo vi; £a be d f edat. lila, ràmeo ne cizrnnet ; ill7, Timeo ne ,deferat,Aug. in .Ey. Johan. H:b.6 19. Heb.ro.35,36 Rom.,}. 18. Kfb.II.IO. Tit r, 1 z, I;. The fin ,/ulnefle of Sinne. förthe feare of the Lord is clean andpure. There is an uncleane feare, like that of the Adulrerefe, who teareLh her husband, left he fhoulj returne and deprehend hot in her talleueffe to him ; but the true feare of the Lord is cleane, like that of a chafe fpotife who fearech the depar- ture of her Love. There are none fo deftttute of huma- nity, as not to anfwer Love for Love. Secondly, Promifes are the Efficient cattle! of our Pu. rification, as they are The grounds of our Hope and ex- pe(lations. Wee have no reafon to Hope for any thing which is not promifed, or upon any other conditiòns`than as promifed. Hope is for this reafon in Sc ipture corn- pared to an erfnchor both lure andfiedfa1ï,hecatde it mutt have lomething of Ermeneffe and 1labrlitie to fatten upon before it can fecure the Soule in any tempet }. To hope without a promife, or uE on any promife otherwife than it bands, is hut to let an Anchor hang in the water, or catch in a Wave, and thereby to eapea fafety to the Vefell. This argument the Apoille ufech why we 11;ould not call array our confidence, or flacken our hope, he- caufe there is a ` Promife, which by patience and doing the Will of God we may in due time receive, and which is a &me foundation for our Confidence to tea upon. So Abraham s f aid to have beleeved 14n11 hope in hope that he fbouid be the father of many 1Vations, and the ground of that hope is added, According to that which was fpo- keni to that word of promif fo Jhall thy Bede be. And ellèwhere he is faid to have looked for a Citie which had foundations.; that is a Citie which was btiilt upon the Immutable l }abilitie of Gods oath and promife. Thus the tee promifes are the grounds of our Hope and Hoge is ofa cleaning nature. Thegrace of God, faith the Apoflle, teacheth us to deny ungodlineJfe and wog Idly lulus, and to live fi,berly, rigiteoae fly, and g- cdfy in this ',relent World ; the reafon whereof is prefently enforced, Looking for that blef'ed Hope.tnd the glorious appearing of the great God.