`1 he finjulne/Jeof Sinn e god. And again, He that path this hope in him, faith S, ?ohs, namely to bee Ike him at his comming. Purifieth 'himfe f even as He is `Pure. He that hopeth to be fully like Chrift hereafter, and to come to the meafure of the .. ture of his fulneffe, will labour to his uttennoft to bee as hrwas in this mild. For a man hopes for nothing de futuro,vvieh he would not prefently compaffe, if it were ,in his power. No man is to bee preuum'd to Hope for the whole who hates any part, or to expert the fulneffe, 'who re j efts the fir1I fruites of the Spirit. He that loveth net his trot her whom he loath feene, how can he love God whom he loath not feene ? That is, He that cannot endure ,nor looke on that little glimpte and ray of Holineffe which is in his broiler, in one of the fame paThons, infir- 4mities and corruptions with himfelfe, will much leflé be able to abide the light of the Son of righteoufnefhe, and ,that moff orient, ipo :leffe, and vail Holineffe which is in him. The fame reafon holds here, he that cannot en- deavour to puriñe himfelfe here, doth never truly hope to be like Chrifl hereafter He that direfts his courfe to- wards Yorke can never bee prefumed to hope that hee Tall by that journey get to London, when bee knowes, or might eallÿ be informed that it is quite the other way. 'And the truth is,no wicked man bath any true,or as Saint Peter cals it lively Hope to come to Heaven. Blind pre - 'fursiptions, ignorant wilhings and wouldings hee may have, but no true hope at all. For that ever fuppotéth tome knowledge and preapprehenfion of the Goadne1re of that which is Hoped for and there is nothing in Hea- ven which wicked men do not hate as very evill to them; the prefence of the moii Holy G o D, the purity and brightneffe Ot his Glory, the Company of Chrift Ieft s and his Saints, &c. If they might be c vt %red 6rí} to have a view of it, and fee what is there doing, what Divine and Holy imployments take up all the thoughts, de- fires, and powers of the .bleffed company there, they Z ; would 34' j Ioh.; ;, r Iohn 4.a®. r Pet. i.3: