341 t Fer 1,8, i-ltil.3. t 3, Jo Rom.4 19,11, lieb II. I T. Ads 15,r9. 7-he fìnfùlneffe of Sinne. would abhorre no place more. Hope begets Love (trhom havin7 not feene,ye love, fault the Apoftle) Hope_ to bee like Christ hereafter will worke a love and desire to e .- prefl'e fo much as wee can of his Image.here. Flee that longs for a thing will take any present occafion to get as much of it as he may together. Notably doth Saint Paul fèt forth this purifying propertie of hope in the promifes. I follow after,if that I may appr 'bend that for which alto. 7 am apprehended of Chriff Iefua. I am- already appre, headed of Chris }, he bath in his body.carricd me in hope unto Heaven with him, and made knee fit together in. Heavenly places, and this hope to come to him at lall, to . attaine to that price of the high calling of God in Chrif} tefus, makes me prefle, and pull, and f }rive by all meaner: t o attai,ne toperfeçtion, to exprefle a Heavenly converfa. lion in.earth,becaufe from thence Ilook for a Saviour the Lord feral Chrift: Hope (as we laid) is an Anker, Our Anker is fix'd in heaven, our veflell Is upon earth, now as by the Cable a man may draw his veffell to the Anker, to the Soule being fixed by hope unto Chrift, Both hale and draw it felfe neerer arid neerer unto him. Thirdly, Pro tiles are the efficient caufes of our pttri- facation, as they are the o6jeas of our Faith : For wee dire not beleeve without Promifes. Therefore Abra? ham llagger'd not through unbeliefe, but gaveglory to. .God, becaufe he was fully perfwaded, that what hee had promifed he Was able to performe. It is not God s. power limply, but with. relation to El's Promife which.fecures our faith. So. Sarah is laid through faith to be deltver'd of a child being pall age, becaufe the j udg'd him faith - full that had promifea', Now by being Objelts of with, the. Prom f a mutt needs cleanfe from filthineflè;forfaith alto hath a cleanftng property, It purifieth the heart, and trorketh by love, and looketh upon the things promifed as defireable things,, rejoyceth iu them, and worket h ho mogeneall and futable affe &cions unto them._ Agaiue, we