I hefrnfulnefieof Sinne, 343 we muff note, That Erne comes feldome without Promi- fes to pollute us, begets vait expeLations and hopes of Good from it. Balsam was whet and enliven'd by pro. miles to curie Gods people ; The Strumpet in the Pro. verbs, that laid to the young man, Come Iet us take our fill òf loves, conceiv'd moil adequate fatisfa6tionto her aculterous lulls by that way. This was the delufion of the rich Poole in his Epicuritme, Soule take thine eafe. eate, drinke, and be merry, for thou haft much laid up for many yeerer : Of the Iewes in their Idolatries to the Queene of Heaven, becaufe that would afford them plenty of vió uals, and make them lee no evil! : Of Ge- hazies fool& heart, who promifed to himielfe Olive- 'yards and Vineyards, and Sheepe and Oxen, and men - fervants and Maide fervants by his officious he. And this was one of the devils mailer pieces when he tempted Civil}, All thefe will !give thee, if thou wilt fall dawne and worfhip me.. Thus we tee f nne feldome comes with- out promifès to feduce and pollute the foule. And yet the 'Truth is thefe promifes cannot hold up the hope of any man. When a man bath wearied himfelfe in the purfuit of them, yet Hill there is lefle hope at !all than at 6rí!. But now faith fixingUpon fare mercies, upon promifès which cannot be abrogated or dilannull'd (being made irreverfìhle by the oath of G o n, who after bee bath fworne cannot repent) and feeingnot onely f abilitie, but preticufnefe in the promifes,and through them look- ing upon the great goodnefle of the things contained in them as already fubfi f ing and prefent to the foule, and by this meanes overcomming the world (whofeonely prejudice and advantage againll Chníl is this, that the things which hee promifeth are long hence to come, whereas that which it promifeth it likewile prefenteth to the view of fenfe;which difference faith dettroyeth,by giving a fubutlence and fpirit sail prefence of things hoped for to the foule) by this meaner, I fay, faith Both migh- Z 4 tily Prov. 7. t 8. Luke 1 s.19. [er. 44.17. Eiur. Z.S. 2 King.5.i6, EC.iy 57.10. Rom 6.2. r. ARs 1;. i4. Gal.;.15, 16. Heb 6.17,18. [Malm.i10.4. 1 Iohn 5.4.