Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

( The Jmn fulnej e of Sinne, words, but al o force Keall effeîis by the intendment of God are thereby produc'd ; namely, the cleanling of our finfull nature from the pollu. ions of the world, and the transforming thereof into the Image and purity of the divine nature. Fourthly, `Promifes are the efficient caufes of our pu- rification,as they are the Raiesand Beames of Chrift the Sonne of Righteoufne ffe, in .whom they are all founded and eflabltihed. They are eflll in him Tea, anel in him z Cor. t_rs, Amen. ¿very promile by Faith apprehended carries a man to Chrifi,and to the consideration of our unity with him, in the right whereof we have chime to'the `Prámi- fes ; even as every line in a circumference, though there never fo diihant from other, Both, being purled,-,carry a man at lai} to one and the fame Center, common unto them all. For the Promifes are not made for any thing in us, nor have their I$ ability in us, but they are made in and for C 114 unto us, unto Chrif in our behalf:, and unto us onely fo farre forth as we are members of Ostia. For they were not made toJeeds as many, tut .to feed,v;amely G at 3 6 to Chri i, in aggregato, as comprehending the head and apt 6 /Orpns the members in the unitie o:= one body. So then every 10115 ei Chi i- Pro rife carrying us to that Vnitie which we have with IC /t,,g. Chrif} by his fpirit (wl b is therefore call'd a fpirit of Adoption, becaufe bee vefteth us with the fonne.hip of Chrill', and a fpirit of holíne f fe and renovation becaufe be fanft teeth us by his rc fai reef ion ofChrill) loth thereby puri f e us frdm dead workes, and conferme the members F heç z. zt. to the Heads building them up in an holy Temple and into an habitation, f god through that fpirit by whom we are in Chrift. In one word, Our rntcrcft in the Promifes is grounded rspon or-r, (e ng in Chrtft, and being one with him, and our being in him is the g.:ound of our purifica- t'on. Every branch in me that brtngeth forth fruit, my ather purgeth, the t t m7 bring forth more fruit. And talus t 5. X. in this refpea the promiíes may be faid to purifies as fthll j carry- 345