Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

3 46 Tivfinfulneffe of Sinne. z Peter r.4. Pro, 3o, 5. PCalm.1 z 6. 19,s>9 119,r4o. roh 17.r7. lohn 15.3. oZ yvcumç 4 avaçoe >irco -rs. Ifid. Peint. 1 Lohn 39. Ezra, 9.13,14. r carrying us to our interefl in Chrift, in whom they are founded, Fifthly, and Iaily, the Promife.r are caufes of our pu- rification,as Fxemplars.patternr ,and lied: ofpurity rznto ltd. For the Promi fes are in themielves Exceeding great and pretiot s, Every Word of god 2s pure and tried lief gold fe en times in the fire, it is right, and cleane, and true, and altogether righteous, and therefore very lovely and attractive, apt tolent1: fie and cleane the foule, Says_ Rifle them by thy truth (faith Christ) thy word is truth, and againe, .242w ye are cleane through the Word which I hve fpo, 2n unto you. For the Word is Seed, and feed ailimilátes earth and dirt into its owne pure and cleane nature. So by the Word there is a tranf-elementation,as it were, and conforming of our foule and earthlie nature to the fpiritualnefhe of it felfe. Therefore the Apostle uleth this for an argument, why the regenerate cannot fin (namely in chat univerfall and complete manner as o- thers doe) hecaufe they have the feed of God abiding in them, that is, his W ord,'-;pirit, and prom: f es abating the strength of suit, and fwaying them to a contrary point. For thus the Word of promilè makes a mans heart :o argue. Hath God of metre Grace made aflurance of Co precious things to me who by nature am a filthy and un. cleane Creature, obnoxious to all the curies and ven- geance . in his booke ? Hath bee wrought fo great delive- rance, and laid up fuch unfearchable riches for my foule ? and fhould I againe breake his Commandements, and j oyne in the abominations of other men ?.Would he not be angry till he had confirmed me; fo that there íhould he no cfcaping ? Should I not rather labour to fiele the comforts and power of thelè Promifes, encouraging mee to walke worthy of fo great mercy,'and fo high a calling? to walks meete for the participation of the Inheritance of the Saints in light ? Shall I that am referv'd to filch honour, live in the meane time after the lulls of the Gen- tiles,