Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

The jinfut tie* of Sinne. tiles, who have no hope ? * Hath Gol diflingui¡lied me by lus Spirit and Promifts from the world, and shall I (confound rev ielfe again ? ,Shall i requi, e ,eviil for goòd to the hurt of mine owise foule ? Tlieiè and the like are the reafonings of the heart from the beauty and purity of the Promifes. I Thirdly, and laftly, Tromiret are Arguments t? i`u- fcrre our Pssrificatión,becaule in many of them that is the very.C/`l'lRtter of which they confi 1, ai d fo the pówer and` fidelity of God is engag'd for our( urification. (will clenfe them from all their ini,quity'ivherlhy r bey have fn nedagainfl me, faith.the Lord. AO againe, I will fprin- kle cleave water upan you, and you ,/k al be cleave from I1 your f lthinele and from,all. your "r idols _wilt clenfe you, c c. And again; Theyfhall not dr file themfelves any more wtth their idols; nor with their *tellable things, nor with any oftheir tranfgref onr,but I will rave them,andI will cleanle them. ,And again; I will Neale their back eflidings, .1w. illove them freely, ?be Lord wil wa h away the f lth of E the daughter of Sion,( purge the blood of ferufalemfrcm the mida thereof by the Spirit of Iudgment,andby the fli- rit of burning.. Which Promifes, bringing along the fide- lity mad power of God to our faith, do fettle our hearts a- midfl: all the corruptions and impotencies of our nature. When the conscience is once throughly acquainted with the fight of its owne foulneffe, with the fence of that life and power which is in concupifcence, it findes it then a great difficulty to reft in any hope of having lulls either lubdued or forgiven. The "Pialmifl, when his fore ranee, and,ciafednot, refufed to be comforted," thoughthimfelfe. call out of. Gods favour,as if his mercies were eahaufled, and his proinifes come to an end, and his compaffions were fliut. up, and, would thew themfelves no more. Therefore in this cafe the L o R n carries our Faith to the conlderation of. bis. Power, Grace, and Fidelity, which furpaftetta not onely the knowledge but the very con- * eu d nos pro TJotnino tam bo- nolacere conve- ni',curn die pro rnali feivis tanta fecetit. Salvian. 1.. 4." Ier. 3 3.8, Ezek.36,2K.. Ezek 37.23. HoCea 14.4. fay 4. 4.