The fin inifeth to be Our Fat h r, and r..ake ue h people,and this alto is a thong argument why wee ílhoal,i purifie our felves,and as obedient Children not fafhion our felves ac- cording ti the former ltt.fts in ignorance, 6ut as hee who bath called us is holy, f 'Amid we be to!), in all wrnner of converfation. And if we call him father ,who without re- fpeci of perfons judgeth according to every mans wart f°s, wee fhould pa(fe the time of our fojour»ing here in feare. re are a chofengeneration(fai h S. Peter) a royal'piejl- hood, a holy nation, a peculiar people, thatyou fhould/hew forth the vertues of him, who bath called you out of dark- neffe into his marvellotee light. When yee were of the world, yee were then !'rangers to the Covenant, and aliens from the hoútè and Ifrael of God, but now being become Gods houfhold, yee are tfrangers and pilgrimes in the prefènt world, and (hould therefore abflaine from the lulls of the flefh, which are fenfivall and worldly things. Thofe that are a peculiar people, are a pu -ged people too. He will pstrifie to bimfelfe a peculiar people, that they may be zealous of good worker. The confideration of which things thould make us labour to fettle our hearts to beleeve, love, and prize the promifes, to Bore up and hide the word in our hearts, to have it Dwell richly in tu, that in evill times and dayes of temptation we may have fame holdfaft to rely upon. In times ofplenty,fecurity,and peace,men go caltnely on without feare or fufpicion;but when acmes arife,when God either hides his face, or lets out his difpleafure, or throwes menupon any extremities,then there is no hope but in our anker,no flay nor reliefe but in Gods promifes, which are /erled and fure,etlablifhed in heaven,and ther- fore never revertid or cancelled in the earth : And if this faithfull E fore lord had not bin David: delight &com- fort,if he had not in all the changes & chances of his own life remembred,thatal Gods promifes are made in heaven,. where there is no inconflancy, nor repentance, be had pe- rifhed 349 1Pet,1.14,i7. i Pet.s.9,1 1. Eph. z.rz,i9. t Iohn 1.16. Tit.z. r 4. Pfa. y,g9-93