3 50 grbefinfulneffe of Sinne. a Sam. a3 5. riflied in his of iiElion. Though David by a prophetical! fpiric forefaw that Goa would not make his houfe to grow, but to become a dry and wither'd fiocke of le fe, Efay I I, t, yec herein was the ground of al his falvation and of all his delire, that the Lord bad made with him an Everlaf ing Pf 89 3 5: > Cavenant,order'd in all things and fare, that he had ftrorne by his bolines that be would not faile David; fo that it was as poffble for god to be unholy, as for the Word of pro- mile made unto David to fall co the ground,& be untrue Now that we may the better apply the Prorai/cs to our !elves, and eftablifh our hearts in the truth and fidelity of God by them, we may make ufe of theft few Rules, a- mongil divers others which might be given. Firft,7romifesgeneral ) made, ana fo in mediofor all, or particularly to fern, are by the ground of them equally appliable to any in any condition unto which the promifes are finable. All the promifes are but as one in (hrif, as lines thougbotkeverall in the circumference, doe meete as one in the center. Take any promife and follow it to its original], and it will undoubtedly carry to Chrifl, in whom alone it is Tea andtAmen, that is, bath its truth, certainty, and ¡lability all from him. Now the Promifes meeting in Chrif }, cannot be fevered or have a partition made of them to feverall mes(for every beleever bath All Chrifl, Chrifi is not divided) any otherwife than the exi- gence of mens prefent eflates cloth diverlïfie them, and fo fit them for fuch promifes as now to others, or at other times to themfelves would be unfeafonable and unappli- i Kin 8.37,4o able. The Lord in affentingto Salomons prayer, made a generall pronsifeto any man, or to all the people, that what prayer or i ipplication foever should bee made towards }}` his Temple, he would heare in Heaven and forgive, &ç. z Chr,zo.8,io f Lebo/haphatbeing after in diflreffe,applyed thisgenerall to his own, prefent condition, when the children of cfAmmon, Moab, and Mount Seir came to turne Ifrael out of their poflellions. The Lord made a particular promi(e unto IOfhtfa, .vwmerii