Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

1 iefhua, that hee would bee with him to bleffe his enter- Iof, z.5,6. prifes againft the Cananites, and to carry him through all the difficulties and hazards of that holy warre ; and Saint Paul applies the promile to 'teethe faithfrell in any H: b. z;. 5. 'fcraites or dü }reffes of life, as the Lord himfelfe had be- . Ifore !ton be wl ithout ccveto ?reffc --for as God was with Io- I fhua, fo will hebe with thee, He will not feile thee nor ¿forftke thee. Chrift made a particular promife unto Pe- ter, I have prayed for thee that thy faith feile not. And óhn z .;z. 5. the fame in effe& he applies to Ill hü, I pray that thou wouldfl k,,epe them from the evil/. la lid the confequent words to Saint Peter make it good ; When thou a, t con- verted flrengthen thy brethren, that is, comfort and re- vive them by thine owne experience, that when they are brought into cafe with thee, they.rnay have the benefit of the fame iutercefior and the fympathy and compaffion of the fame Saviour who deliver'd thee. As our Saviour faith in matter of diet_y,What I fay unto you, I fay unto all, fo we may fay -of him in matter of mercy, What he prosri /eth untó any, be prornifeth unte all in an Naiad eflate. It is good therefore to ob!erve the truth of God in his Promifes to others, and when wee ende our felves reduced unto their condition, ro app y it auto or /élve!, tha: we through patience and comfort of the.Scrip. Rom.t 5.4. tares may have hope. This is the counfell of Sr. tames, Take my 6re,?hren,the Prophets for an example of fuffe- rztn.5. ring affliEZion andof patience-- - - -yee have heard of the patience of I ohy and ye have feen the end of the Lord that the Lord is very pitifull and of tender mercy. And Saint 'Paul affores us that for this carafe God comforted h.m in aor i .4. his tribulation, that he might be able to comfort them who rì fight be in any trouble, with the comfort wherevs i'h bee himflfe bad beene comforted by God. A poore Chriftian might obje&, Alas, If I were an Apoftle,if I had fuch graces, . fuch fervices, fuch wayes of glorifying God as Paul The fin fuln0of Sinne. 311