Reynolds - Houston-Packer Collection BX5133.R485 T47 1642

351 The fìì/ulne/jeof inne. "Paul bad, I might hope for the fame power and provi dence of God in my af,uia ions as he f ndes. But I am a poore ignorant, unfruitfuli, and unferviceable creature, who doe more blemini than adorne my profef1 on of the.Gol jell f Chriil,and (hall I looke for fuch care from God as S. Paul ? Beloved, the members in the body would not fo argue ; If I were an eye, or a tongue, one of the noblett parts of the body, haplylbme companion and remedy might be (hewed me in my ditiempers; but I am but a oync of the foote, or a mane, dishonourable, and leffe ferviceable member, therefore though I am tor- mented with a goute or ftone,the tongue will no: fpeake, the head will not worke,the hand will not diftribute any thing for me. The Children in a family would not Io ar. gue; my Father is carefull to provide phylcke, and cure the difeafes of my brother, becaufe he is growne up to doe him credit, and his countrie lervice, but I am but a Child, that lie upon him, and doe no worke, I am un- able for any employments, and therefore I (hall perish in my difeafe without care or regard . Surely if the mem- bers of a body, or the children of men, who are evil', would not thus argue, how much lefle reafon have any of Chritis, who have a head entrufted with the care of his meaneft members, and a. father tender of the fais and failings of his weakeft children ? Thus rather thould the foule refolve. Though Taal had more grace than I, yet he had no more merit than I. All the companion which was fhewed unto him was out of favour and mercy, not out of debt or duty; and my wants and miferies make me as fit for mercy as hee was ; and the companion of a father is molt commended toward the unworthieft and molt unprofitable child. Secondly, Promifes in themfelves are certaine,6ut the wayes o f performances are often undifcernable & hidden; therefore wee mull live by Faith, and not 6y reafon, and meafure the Truth of Gods Words by the firength of his