353 The fn fulne o f Stnne. his power, and not by our owne conceits or apprehen- fions. When we looke upon God in his Promi /es, wee mull conceive of him as a God infinite in wifdome to contrive,and in Power to bring about the execution of his owne will. There is a `Promife made of calling the Imes unto Chrift,and calling them to turne from their tranfgreffions. The Redeemer !hall come unto Sion, and unto them that return from tranAref on in Iacob, Efay 59.20. But he who fhould confider the extreme obfti- nacie and ftubbornenefle of that people againft the Go- fpell, would thinke it impoffible, that they fhould ever be pul'd out of the fnare of the Devil!; therefore the Apoftle makes gods Tower the ground ofcertaintie in this promife, They alto /ball be grafted in again, for God is able to gra ffe them in ---As it is written, There/hall come out of Sion the Deliverer, and fhall turne away un- godlineffe from Jacob, Rom.I I.23.26.The Sadduces and Gentiles derided the DoEtrineand Promife of the /Q-1 furrellion from the dead ; and our Saviour carrieth the one from their owne prejudice unto Gods power; ye erre, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God, Matth. And Saint Paul the other,from their reafon unto Faith in God, Why /hould it be thought a thing tncredible with you, that God /hould rail the Dead ? Aft. 26. 8. Therefore wee (hall finde mens unbeleefe in Scripture bath rifen, partly from apprehenfion of power in thole whom they fnare, and partly from apprehenfion ofim- potencie in thole whom they fhould truft. When the Ifraelites heard of giants and formes of Anak,in the pro - mifed land, prefently they murmured againft the Lord and his fervants, and provoked him by their unbeleefc of his mighty power which they had had fo frequêt ex- perience of; How long will this people provoke me ? Hew long will it be ere they believe me, for all thefignes Which Z have /hewed amongft them ? Numb. 14. t, II. They provoked him again by infidelity in the wilderneffe, A a when