354 Thefinfulne o fSinne. when they asked meat for their lull, and that was by calling the power of Cod in queftion ;,They ffiabc aQainf? God, they f `aid, can Cod furnsfh a gable in the wilderne fr'e ? Behold, he fmote the Rock.e that the Waters gufhed out, and the ftreames overflowed ; but can he give bread alfo, can he provide flefh for his people ? Pfal. 73.19,2o. They meafured God by their owne reafon, and charged God with that impotencie which they found in themflves. This was the finne of that noble man who attended up- on the King of Ifrael in the great famine at Samaria ; when the Prophet fore -told a marvellous plentie which should fuddenly come to the place, he meafured Gods Power by his owne cóceits ofpollibility in the thing, If the Lord wouldmake windowes in heaven, this thing could not bee, 2 King.7.2. There was a Promife made unto If- rael to reflore them out of that great captivitie of Baby- lon, and this feecned to them as incredible as for men to be raifed out of their Graves after fo many yeares confumption, therefore they fail, our bones are d7ied up, and our hope is loft, and we' are cut off for our parts. Wee have no more reafon to beleeve any promife, or to reft upon any expectations of deliverance, than dead bones l have to revive againe. Therefore the Lord acquainteth 1 them with his Pewer,together with his Prornifes. O my f people, yee (hall k ow that I am the Lord ! that is, that my ! wayes and thoughts are infinite above your (hallow apprehenfions, When 1 Aall have brought you out of your Graves, Ezek. 37.1 r,r 3. Though there (hould be a fa- mine, and mountaines betweene Gods people and His promifes, famine to weaken their feet that they could not crawle away, and mountaines to flop their parage 1 which they could not climbe nor overpaffe, yet when there was no might nor power left in them,the fpirit of 1 the Lord fhould be their ftrength, their feet fhould bee like Hindes.feet to skippe over the mountaines, and the mountaines fhould be as a plaine before them,Hab. 3. r7, 18,19.